Sinclair Law

PINTO’S 25th Anniversary Party on May 14th. certainly was a HUGE day for Cathy and her awesome place, Pinto’s Lounge on US#1, just north of Port St. John. Providing a fabulous place to party and maybe grab a snack for 25 years!

This party was boosted way up there by BIG DADDY’S Rock and Roll Band….my personal favorite. I mean, this outfit ROCKS…!!!

We also met a bunch of the “Old Gang” from years ago…sadly several of them are gone now, but we remembered them.

There was a big cake, and a bunch of creamy cup cakes which attracted A LOT of attention….!!!

Everyone had a blast.

Cathy, I wish you 25 more!!!!!


Miserable George’s Pics

Valgal’s Pix