Sinclair Law

Some of you may have heard the origin story, of how the Red Barn Riders RC was started by a few “Good Ole Boys” who rode motorcycles and worked on them out of a Red Barn in Medusa NY. How when this group saw some things that needed to be done in their community, they stepped up to help out, and soon after taking the proper steps in May 2017 the RC was born.

Now the question continues to come up often, Who and what are the Red Barn Riders RC? The short answer is we are an AMA, 501(c)(3), Charity Riding Club!

While we have nothing but love and respect for Motorcycle Clubs (and some of our members have been in MCs in the past), for different reasons our members have chosen to be in this RC. For some it has to do with injuries, for others it is a time issue.

Anyone who has ever been in or around an MC knows they love their families as much or more than anyone else. If someone does not make their family and home life a priority, there is a good chance they won’t make their club family/life a priority either, and on that our RC agrees fully. But where being in an MC can be like having a full-time job, our RC is more a weekend side gig.

We host charity events, we attend charity events, and we sponsor and help out at others charity events. Besides members and prospects, family members and friends are welcome to attend and help us out in almost everything. We look for things and people in our area, mostly New Yorks Albany, Greene, Columbia and Schoharie Counties (But you never know where you will see us as we do love to Ride) where we can help out an improve things and lives. We believe if you want to feel a part of the community you need to be a part of the community, and we do our best to be a part of the area’s public community and our area’s biker community!!!

Another question we get often is, if you are not an MC why do I have to prospect? There are many different reasons, but the most important reason is we are a tight group who get along very well with each other. Like true brothers we do joke around with each other a lot, but we have developed a real bond of brotherhood. So, anyone we take in has to fit in.

What are the main things we look for in prospective members? Like already stated people who fit in, for those who do fit in the #1 thing we look for is those who truly want to be here with us and help us help others. We 100% understand if and when you have other obligations and cannot make something we are doing. Sometimes we have 2 members who attend something and sometimes we can all make it. But the 2 main things about prospecting with us is fitting in and showing us you really want to be a part of the RC. There will be no hazing, no 2am phone calls (unless it is an emergency) or anything like that, BUT we are brothers and we do joke around with each other a lot (as all brothers do). A prospect will never be asked to do anything more then to act like a member and learn what it means to be a member of our RC.

Is there anything mandatory? While we want our brothers to be with us all the time because we enjoy their company, again we understand, work and family is and should be a priority. We have only 2 things we make “mandatory” and that is our annual Nathan’s Ride and our Winter BBQ. Now if one of these events falls on for example your “sister’s wedding day” or some other big event, we 100% understand you will not make our event. All we expect of you is to let us know in advance.

Being a part of the Red Barn Riders RC should be something you love and want to be a part of. We are very proud of who we are and the things we have done to help out our area. Some have been very big things like changing the life of a disabled boy by doing our annual “Nathan’s Ride” every summer. Some things have been as simple as helping a family make sure their 5-year-old daughter had the slippers she wanted on Christmas morning.

Last summer we started doing a Summer Bike Night Series at the Blackthorne Resort in East Durham (June, July, and August). Each Bike Night had a theme. We also had bike games, and trophies were awarded in different motorcycle categories. The 2023 Bike Night series ended with an epic Battle of the Bands.

We do many fun things together all year long. Even in the winter when we can’t ride together, we look for and find many fun things to do. In February every year we host a Winter BBQ Fundraiser with food and live music. We also have brotherhood nights where members and friends get together for a fun night out, but almost everything involves family and friends.

If this sounds like something you are interested in learning more about, send us a message or talk to a member The best way to start out is to just come hang out and take a ride with us. Even if becoming a member is not something you decide to do, we still welcome your friendship. All brands of motorcycles are welcome, as long as they can keep up on a standard motorcycle run/ride.

Be sure to check us out at

Story by your Bro LJ James – Red Barn Riders RC