I really don’t know what we can show you here that hasn’t already been posted somewhere else, BUT, we’ll try. Tanner Jam-2019 was a rousing success…biggest crowd ever for this, #6 event. As of this writing, over $13K has been collected, with funds still coming in…! Just goes to show you what people can do when money is needed to fight a disease like cystic fibrosis…! There were 5 or 6 bands playing all day and night, there were games, auctions, poker run, 50/50, a lemonade stand, food, drink, babes, and, massive amounts of Brotherhood. Tanner himself really enjoyed the ride in Wild Bill’s 1950 Buick. Hey, I would have liked a ride too…ya well, maybe next time…!!! The parking lot was overflowing with motorcycles, carefully parked there by a beautiful attendant, while 4-wheelers jammed up the frontal area of H&D Roadhouse. Also, some lucky person won a CRUISE!!! Folks, it was a fabulous day all around, with perfect weather.God Bless all the MANY people who put this event together, and my thanks to all the gorgeous ladies who posed for our lens. Ride safe…thank a vet, and, stand up for your country…
Miserable George