Sinclair Law

This Biketoberfest has been the BEST I have ever attended… In a melancholy way I had the time of my life with my friends… Always the ones missing in my thoughts… But I have been adopted by FOUR young men that I now consider family… My Brothers from the band Twisted Minds, Inc. They somehow have been able to fill a hole in my heart I never thought would ever get full again, YET here they are, Jason, Chris, Rags and of course Jasper… You guys mean more to me than you will EVER KNOW… You constantly show your love for music and friends and family with every moment you are on stage. I will be up y’all’s ass on my birthday so just plan something fun for that fateful day and let’s make good memories… I love you TMI and their Queens with all my heart…. Here are some pictures of that fun night… ENJOY!
