
BABES-2003 VOUS by Miserable George

Since we’re stuck at home for now, I figured I’d entertain the guys with some babes from the VOUS from back in 2003. Bear in mind, these are from 17 years ago, so a lot has changed…enjoy…!!!


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Our favorite area on Wednesday of Bike Week is Cacklebery Campground and the Cabbage Patch, out in Samsula. We rolled in late Wed. morning and began our trek around the campgrounds, checking out the various vendors and attractions, and of course…people…(babes)…! Two ladies there had a “pain station”, there was “slime wrestling”, massage tables, regular tag-team wrestling, the “Wall of Death”, and some cute beer girls. After awhile, I did venture across 415 to the Cabbage Patch grounds to witness, among other things, the Cole Slaw Wrestling, the Budweiser Clydesdales, more beer girls, my favorite MC, Radical Randy, and fellow photog…Jackman. I always enjoy walking the perimeter of the big field and talking to the spectators as well as getting some interesting pics!! After the wrestling, I dragged my tired ass back to Cacklebery to catch the “Big Daddy Band”…my favorite group.

By now, this old boy was BUSHED and ready to head for home. All in all, it was a fun-filled day, mixing it up with the Bike Week crowd. Met a few new people…that’s always nice…!

GOD bless America!!!

Miserable George

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BRUNETTE  ON A BIKE by Miserable George

Several years ago, at a Crew Jam Party, under the 520 Bridge, we had a little shoot to select two cover girls for an author friend of mine. One of them was THIS lady, Tonya. We procured a bike, and fired away. A big thanks to the owner…(forgot his name)…!!Thank you too, little Miss Tonya…that was a fun day…

Miserable George

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ROSCOE’S LITTLE HONEYS by Miserable George

In just a few short weeks, the 34th. edition of the famed Roscoe’s Chili Challenge will take place just outside of Lakeland, Fl. SO, we figured we’d send you a little “primer” just in case you might be “on the fence” as to whether you wanna go or not. Old School Biker Magazine will be there, and, who knows….YOU might just get into the magazine!!! Check it out…  See YOU there…???

Miserable George

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CACKLEBERY and the PATCH by Miserable George

Wednesday at Bike Week is always our day to visit

a Bike Week tradition…the Cabbage Patch…

and now…it looks like yet another tradition has been born…

just across the road…Cacklebery Campground.

Both venues were jammed to the hilt with revelers from all over the world-literally- a sea of eager bikers, out to cram all the fun they could into their beings, in as short a time as possible…(it seemed)!! But hell, that’s Bike Week!!  

With Cole Slaw Wrestling, the Budweiser Clydsdales, the gorgeous “beer girls”, food of every conceivable type, plus vendors selling just about anything you could imagine, and a campgrounds near-by…I mean, this was IT!!!

Folks, this is a corner of Bike Week you wanna get acquainted with ASAP!! Go to SR 415 & Pioneer Trail in Samsula…easy to find…that’s where it’s happening!!!

Maybe we’ll see ya there next time…

Miserable George

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LEATHERNECKS MC 2019 by Miserable George

We had just gotten wind of this event about a week ago, and,

knowing of the Leathernecks MC’s reputation of throwing a GOOD party….well we checked it out, and certainly were NOT disappointed…!

As always, the food and liquids were top notch, along with a new pop-corn machine, and of course…the infamous BIKE-WASH GIRLS!!!! Elle and Elisha were busy all during the party time…hey, I even had MY HEMI washed…! Folks, when you hear of a Leatherneck’s gig…make sure you don’t miss it….these men are primo!!!  Thanks for your hospitality, Leathernecks, and let us know when the next event comes up. Ride safe everyone, and stand up for your country…

Miserable George

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JAZZY…at ROSCOE’S Chili Challenge by Miserable George

This little darling was helping with parking at one of Roscoe’s neighbors yards.

I said we’d love to feature her with a bike…she said…OK.

With all the running we, and she did, this was about all we could muster up. If anyone out there happens to know Jazzy, please tell her we did our best to get her a feature. She’s a Sweetheart!!!

Thanks to Chopper Dave for the use of his machine…


A Day at Cacklebery and the Cabbage Patch with Miserable George

As Biketoberfest, 2018, was winding down, ValGal and I hit Cacklebery Campgrounds, and (across the street)…the ol’ Cabbage Patch Bar and grounds.

Yeah, it was another blistering, hot day in Florida, but, we made up our minds that we’d stick it out as long as possible!! We first checked in with BIG DADDY, my good friend and neighbor, AND…Bandmaster!!! His band is PRIMO!!! Then, it was the usual walking around…checking out the chicks, displays, and the general lay of the land.

Later in the day, the World Renowned COLE SLAW WRESTLING. I guess the newbies get a real charge out of that…! For ME, it was torture in the hot sun…I’ll be honest about it.

We bumped into our good friend, ace lensman, Jackman…always nice to see him, and a few old friends as well.

Nice crowd out there, sweating their butts off, soaking up the suds!!! Val and I stood it as long as we could, and along with many others, decided the heat was just too much. But, despite the weather, it was a fun day…better than rain, I guess.

Don’t forget our Vets, and…stand up for your country…!!! See ya next time…

Miserable and ValGal

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More of Lauren by Valgal

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