
H&D Roadhouse…Bikes ‘n Babes

     In the few short years that H&D Roadhouse has been open, it has become Brevard County’s primo Biker Bar, featuring bikes, cars, and of course…BABES. We’ve tried to cover those categories today in Old School Biker Magazine. We ask on behalf of Harry and Deb Vigliano, the owners and operators, that you patronize this fabulous establishment….a local business, run by local folks. You’ll be glad you did…we thank you…THEY thank you…! GOD bless you all…

Miserable George & ValGal

See all of Old School Biker’s stories about H&D Roadhouse here.

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H&D  ROADHOUSE by Miserable George

…..a tribute to our friends who have brought us so much joy…

Like you all, I’m stuck in the house, and what better way to make use of all my time, than to put together a piece to pay tribute to H&D Roadhouse. These images are from the various gatherings we’ve attended at Harry and Debbie’s establishment on SR 520 East, just across from the Lincoln dealer. There is an element of sadness here, in that some of the folks you’ll see are no longer with us, but, I’m sure they are all smiling down, and watching over us all. We pray that this terrible situation we are experiencing presently, will soon go away, and hopefully, we’ll all come out on top. When things DO finally clear up, let’s all get out there and welcome Harry and Deb back into business. They’ve helped many of us down through the years…let’s NOW help them…!!! GOD bless you guys…!!!

Miserable George & ValGal


Our favorite area on Wednesday of Bike Week is Cacklebery Campground and the Cabbage Patch, out in Samsula. We rolled in late Wed. morning and began our trek around the campgrounds, checking out the various vendors and attractions, and of course…people…(babes)…! Two ladies there had a “pain station”, there was “slime wrestling”, massage tables, regular tag-team wrestling, the “Wall of Death”, and some cute beer girls. After awhile, I did venture across 415 to the Cabbage Patch grounds to witness, among other things, the Cole Slaw Wrestling, the Budweiser Clydesdales, more beer girls, my favorite MC, Radical Randy, and fellow photog…Jackman. I always enjoy walking the perimeter of the big field and talking to the spectators as well as getting some interesting pics!! After the wrestling, I dragged my tired ass back to Cacklebery to catch the “Big Daddy Band”…my favorite group.

By now, this old boy was BUSHED and ready to head for home. All in all, it was a fun-filled day, mixing it up with the Bike Week crowd. Met a few new people…that’s always nice…!

GOD bless America!!!

Miserable George

PROJECT VetRelief DINNER by Valgal

Friday, Jan. 31, 2020 saw the Ballroom at Legion 359 filled to capacity for the Project VetRelief Dinner. There were many Post Officials attending from out of state, National Commander Bill Oxford, Department of Florida American Legion Commander Rick Johnson, Eastern area Commander Dennis Boland, Astronaut High JROTC, we had 1,200 hours of volunteer time and we raised $21,000…

A ceremony honoring Lost Vets was carried out by N. Titusville High School’s JROTC group…very inspiring indeed!! A very tasty dinner was served by caterer, Kelly’s Cuisine, a local family operated company. Several Legion officials gave short talks explaining the importance of the VetProject. After the dinner portion of the evening ended, Karaoke began in the main clubroom. All in all, it was a fully enjoyable evening. Folks, please thank a Vet today, stand up for your country, and GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!

Miserable George and Valgal

PROJECT VET RELIEF RUN by Miserable George

The weather could not have been any better for the Project Vet Relief Poker Run, on Sun. Jan.19, 2020, out of American Legion Post 359 on US#1 just north of Port St. John, FL. They tell me there were 60 sign-ins, which is not too bad for a Space Coast Week-end!!

The band-ROUGHOUSE– was already in full swing when I got there, and people were starting to shuffle. The big grille was loaded with burgers and fried baloney, and a large table held all the novelties and leather goods along with a bunch of bottles of “fire-water” to be auctioned off later. The 50/50 winner donated back $100 to the cause.

The new patio area at 359 was over-flowing with Vet-Relief supporters, doing their part to assist Florida Legions’ Vets. If YOU would like to help, go to  They’ll give you all the info.

Hey, it was a fun day at 359…we met some very interesting people…YEAH!!!

Stand up for your country, thank a vet today, and may GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

Miserable George

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY by Miserable George

Celebrating your birthday in January in Florida, in 70 degree weather has got to be the best way ever….and, Harry Vigliano, owner and operator of H&D Roadhouse in Merritt Island, on SR 520, got just that!!!

The party started about 8PM, Friday, January 10, 2020, at the Roadhouse, with the band “Mental Note” kicking things off, with the house being packed at around 9PM. Harry is a kind and generous man all year ‘round…always ready and willing to help out anyone who might run into a stretch of hard times.

He loves and respects all of his many customers who are more like close friends than people who help him earn a living!! It’s almost like one, big, happy family. I’ve known him for many years, and you can take it from me…the man is a PRINCE. Many customer-pleasing improvements have been made since Harry took over.

Hey, why not stop in at H&D Roadhouse for a cold one…Harry, wife Deb, and the whole crew will treat you right. Tell ‘em “Miserable” sent you…!!

Again Harry….HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend…!

Miserable George

HAPPY NEW YEAR…from H&D ROADHOUSE by Miserable George

Well, as luck would have it, the weather turned cold on New Years Eve, but, there were 2 riders mixed in with the nice crowd at the annual New Year’s Eve celebration at H&D Roadhouse,SR 520, in Merritt Island, FL. However, the band, “Heatstroke” got the place warmed up pretty quickly with a great selection of tunes, and, I did hear many compliments aimed toward them all evening long…! Also, there were the usual snacks provided as well as the gorgeous Jello Shot Lady, and campaign drinks for all at midnight. For me again, it was like “old-home-week”…meeting several persons I hadn’t seen for quite a spell.

A big THANKS to Harry and Deb and their entire crew for a job well done, not only THIS night, but all year long…those people are fabulous…!!

Hey, from Old School Biker Magazine, we wish all of you the very best in the coming new year.

Be safe, stand up for your country, thank a VET today, and GOD BLESS you all…!

Miserable George…ValGal…and JC…

H&D Roadhouse…Christmas Party 2019 by Miserable George

Dec. 21, 2019, was a cloudy, drizzly, but warm night in our area of Florida…H&D Roadhouse to be exact, where their annual Christmas celebration took place. Not a good night to be riding motorcycles for sure!!! Never-the-less, a big crowd DID show up to usher in the Christmas Holidays!! The band-”Heat Stroke” had the place jumpin’ in no time flat, and as always, there was a table full of tasty goodies to whet your appetite, while you eye-balled all the female Santa’s helpers scampering around the premises!! Of course, Santa walked in and invited any and all to sit on his lap…THAT was a riot!!! Ashley won the “best dressed” contest, and Jess copped the “cookie contest”…!! I ran into some friends that I hadn’t seen for a LONG time….that’s always a treat!! Hey, we gotta thank Harry and Deb and their fabulous staff for a job well done…(always). They just make ya feel at home at H&D Roadhouse. I wish them all (and YOU) a Merry Christmas and the Happiest and most prosperous of New Years.

Don’t forget, thank a VET today, and stand up for your country…GOD BLESS AMERICA…!

Miserable George

Lake Poinsette Trump Rally by Valgal and Miserable George

The Lake Poinsette Trump Rally was a great success today…We patriots got together like the brothers and sisters we are to celebrate our faith in our President… Good food, great music and a good time was had for sure… I felt comfortable wearing my red Trump hat here!

I know some of you will not agree with us but that is OK… Really, it is OK to agree to disagree and still be friends.



Miserable George’s Pics

NAM  KNIGHTS…Run to the Legions by Miserable George

 Although there were a few scattered showers in the area, the weather was almost perfect for the “Run to the Legions”, sponsored by the Nam Knights of Brevard County. The run started at 359-200-348-1, and ended back at 359, where the live band, “Mid-life Crisis” entertained the large crowd. There was a Bike Show, food, 50/50, a Liquor Basket raffle, dancing, lots of cold stuff to go around, AND,  a whole host of good lookin’ ladies. I mean…what ELSE do you need…??? Folks, if you want a fun afternoon, keep track of the biker events at Post 359, on US#1, just north of Pinto’s Lounge. Remember our troops, and stand up for your country…hope to see ya’all out there soon…

Miserable George

ValGal’s Pic’s