One of the hardest things you will ever do is stop living life for yourself. No matter our trials, we all have a purpose and …
A BENEFIT FOR RANDY PEPE by Miserable George
Although the Weatherman didn’t exactly cooperate with Jenna’s Breezeway on Sat. May 19th., a benefit for Randy Pepe went on as scheduled!! Randy recently suffered …
Party At The Wrecking Crew by Miserable George
Saturday, May 12, 2018, started out really murky…thick clouds, and, an occasional spritz. It signaled a possible washout of the Wrecking Crew Party at their …
A 1970 “GOAT”… Miserable George
It took us awhile to actually get this shoot set up, but, as you can see, it was worth it. Greg Stroup and his …
LEESBURG BIKEFEST…#22 by Miserable George
April 28, 2018, started out a wee bit on the cool side, but, it certainly didn’t take very long to heat up…I’m thinkin’ it was …
Vietnam Moving Wall -THE REUNION…2018 by Miserable George
It’s a happy time, in that vets from all over the country come together again, get re-acquainted, share old times…the good and , I guess, …
Moving Wall Escort…2018 by Miserable George
I can’t state officially, but, I was told, that this year’s Moving Wall Escort event had set a record for motorcycles accompanying the Wall from …
Saturday, April 7, 2018, was a BUSY day for us, from early in the morning, BUT, we managed to complete a previous commitment, and, it …
Brevard County Law Ride-2018 by Miserable George
This is one run I always look forward to, and, the weatherman cooperated too. A beautiful Sat., April 7th.,2018, saw about 650 bikes crowd into …