

December 12, 2021 dawned bright and clear, despite predictions of rain…no rain all day!!!! The Unchained Kings MC gathered at Miracle City Harley-Davidson to form up the group that would visit several locations during the day to distribute toys to needy kids in the Titusville area. Santa was right there too, and made a host of kids very happy!!!

There was no sorting of items…they were all right there on the truck for the kids to pick from!!! First stop was the Boys and Girls Club of Central Florida; second stop was Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health Care Center; and, while there, the riders circled the front area while revving up their machines in a show of motorcycle exhaust roaring…the kids LOVED that; next was the Boys and Girls Club in Cocoa which offered much assistance in where to take Santa and his truck load of toys in the area off Fiske Blvd. One little girl saw Mr. Claus, and screeched all the way….”SANNA CLAUS…SANNA CLAUS….I had a few tears on that one!!!! Next was a special visit to a family of five near that same area. Folks, it had the same results in every visit…bright-eyed, enthusiastic, and very happy kids…all who had their choice of toys, and from what I could see…they were all satisfied…the way it should be!!!! Last stop was the King’s Clubhouse for a much needed snack!!! A HUGE thanks to the Unchained Kings MC for a tremendous show of Christmas Spirit…Thanks to ValGal also for dropping off a bag of toys at Devereux…All in all , a fantastic way to spend a warm, Florida day!!! GOD bless you all…Merry Christmas… Bro, Gastank went down, but is OK, with a fractured ankle…

Miserable George

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CFEC TOY RUN by Miserable George

     I met ValGal at Merritt Square Mall on Sunday morning, Dec. 5, 2021 to aid in covering the new Central Florida East Coast Charities Inc. Toy Run. I must admit, I was disappointed at the number of bikes there, preparing to ride to Club 52 in Melbourne…at the old Dog Track…the Run’s destination. There was no police escort…if you were going…you were on your own. I left ahead of the group and arrived at CLUB 52, and found a huge parking area with a scattering of bikes, plus an assortment of vendors. At that point, I wasn’t really too enthusiastic…HOWEVER…a short while later, the motorcycles started to roll in, and the parking lot really started to fill up…!!!

Entertainment consisted of Doc Holiday, The Shovelhed Band, plus TMI…now, THAT’S a bunch of headliners for sure!!! NOW, I was ENTHUSIASTIC!!! Lots of food available, plus cold ones too!! That’s where the longest line was!!!  At this point, the place was BUZZING!!! Plenty of place to sit as well…that’s what this old guy needed..!! While chatting with Doc, I found out that he will be retiring from the DJ business next Sept…folks…I hate to see HIM go!! He was always #1 in my DJ book…!!! Met lots of old friends too. Gotta thank The Unchained Kings for their un-ending hospitality…a fine group. Even though I was pretty tired, I left for home with a smile on my face…the whole day did a turn-about, and ended up a complete success! Lots of toys for the needy kids..!

Thank you to all who participated.

Merry Christmas from Old School Biker Magazine…

Miserable George and ValGal!!!!

Bike Day at 359 by Miserable George

     It had been awhile since I attended Bike Day at 359, and as luck would have it, Dec. 4, 2021 was “weather perfect”…!!! I got there early to grab some lunch…very tasty indeed..!!! 

BIG DADDY was playing, so of course, the place filled up…FAST!!! Met a bunch of old friends…(as always), plus, two NEW ones!!! Lots of progress on the new rest room facility…that will be a BIG help for the outside crowd. One thing that was a first for me…they sold out of 50/50 tickets…!!

Never saw THAT before…$660 total…winner got $330…$100 of which was donated back!!! Folks, I believe this was one of the largest crowds I’ve ever seen at 359, and, Big Daddy had a bunch of them shaking it up out there on the dance floor.  I love that band!!!!!

Hey…thank a Vet today, ride safe, and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!

Miserable George

November Bike Day at American Legion Post 359 by Valgal

With Miserable George at Roscoe’s y’all were stuck with me this month LOL… I LOVE BIKE DAY!!! The weather was a little chilly but WAY better than melting in the heat… The band was awesome as always, Thank you ! Food ran out quickly and I missed my cheeseburger! Love them…

Please visit American Legion Post 359 when you are in the area… GREAT group of people… See y’all next Bike Day!! 


West to East Coast Ride by Valgal

Today at Everything Biker Consignment in Sebastian, Florida, Chip and his staff welcomed Biker Life Consignment from Port Charlotte and Sarasota area. 40 bikes made the trip over for a cookout, it was an absolutely tremendous show of support. Stay tuned for the reciprocal ride from Sebastian, Florida over to Port Charlotte on the West coast in the fall.

Thank you all for your support RIDE SAFE AND FREE!

 Frank Mansfield & Valgal

Harley Rendezvous Returns by Rick Kline

We all know what happened in 2020 and most of us want to forget it. After a pause in the action everyone that attended this event were wild with anticipation to ride through the gates of the Indian Lookout Country Club. It was time to let our hair down once again for the next 4 days. 

The event happens every weekend after Father’s Day and we can’t wait for the party to start. The vendors were all set up ready to serve the hungry bunch when they got there. It was the same lineup as previous years. The Bike Rodeo, Custom Street Bike contest, Antique Bike contest, the International Wet T-Shirt Contest and of course all the various bands that played all weekend long. You can buy a HRC beer mug and drink the whole weekend long for free. Just belly up to the bar and say, “Filler’ up my friend”. 

The Harley Rendezvous is one of the biggest bike events in the northeast where you can camp on private grounds on 177 acres. Just bring your tent, sleeping bag and maybe a buddy to keep you warm at night in the cool mountains of New York Mohawk Valley. The trick is when you arrive, unpack your ride and get your tent set up immediately. If you don’t, you’ll be sleeping on damn ground under the moonlit skies. Most people start to party and forget about their sleeping arrangements. I have almost always found too many bikers that partied all night and didn’t do what I explained. I know, I’ve been there. When the sun comes up drag yourself to a vendor and get

yourself a hot cup of Joe and breakfast burrito. Now you can start your day. The various events will keep you busy from sun up to sun down and then some. The bike rodeo is always a big event to follow in the afternoon. Anyone can enter to show off their bike riding skills and who knows, you might even win a trophy for your expertise. They also have a tattoo contest for men and women alike. The bands will rock you all through the night, if you can still stand up. Saturday night comes the Wet T contest which a favorite with all the men. The ladies can enter with ID to prove your are of age and then brought up on stage to show their “talents”. Hey, you might win some serious dollars in doing so. Saturday night after the contest brings a fireworks show second to none for your pleasure. 

All in all, if you can’t have a good time at this event, then shame on you. It’s something every biker should experience. If you would like to attend next years event, go to the website or for more information call 518-864-5659 or 518-864-5916. You’ll be glad you did. 

Rick Kline 

Staff Photographer

Done Right Cycles by Tony Braz

I saw this scoot parked at a local bar in Palm Bay. I was so excited I HAD to take some pictures to share with the world this beautiful old school bike!

1947 Top End
94” stroker
S&S internals
Lots of in-house fabrication

This bike is a one of a kind build… LOVE IT!!! I hope y’all enjoy this as much as I did taking the photos…



     I just about made it downtown on Sunday morning, May 30, to catch the first bikes coming down off the Indian River Bridge. They tell me that there were about 1000 machines in all. They went south on US#1 to Pineda, then across the causeway to A1A , where they more or less dispersed going north toward their starting point. Folks, it was a run to remember all our fighting men and women on this Memorial Day…2021. GOD BLESS AMERICA…!!!

Miserable George

MIKE LEWIS at ROSCOE’S by Miserable George

Recently, Roscoe’s Chili Challenge lost Mike Lewis, an important crew member from day one. He was a man that not too many of the party people really knew, but for sure, a very important part of the Roscoe crew.

For the most part, he handled the activity at the main gate, helped campers with firewood, and made sure that everybody was properly accounted for. He’s a man that we’ll all surely miss. On May 29, there was a memorial party at Roscoe’s to honor Mike’s life. A big crowd came out to remember Mike’s life and his many contributions to a party that we all love. Rest in Peace, Mike, you’ll never be forgotten.

Miserable George

BREVARD COUNTY LAW RIDE 2021 by Miserable George

I don’t believe the weather on May 8th., 2021 could have been more perfect for the 20th. Annual Brevard County Law Ride. They formed up on the grounds of the Memorial Museum on Rt. 405 just east of US#1. I was told that there were 539 bikes signed in…fabulous!!! DJ, Oddball was supplying the tunes, Presentation of the Colors was by the Brevard Sheriff’s Honor Guard, and now, it was time to RIDE!!! I had assumed my position at the east end of the Max Brewer Bridge in Titusville to get shots of the column of bikes which seemed “never-ending”…!!! I joined in at the end of the column, and we proceeded out to Kennedy Space Center where we jumped on the Shuttle Runway. Folks, THAT was a blast…!! There was no stopping at the VAB this time, just on down to 405, where we headed west, past the Visitors’ Center, past a huge solar power center, through the black smoke of a controlled burn over the drawbridge, and back into the Museum area where lunch was waiting. I’d like to thank the Officers who cooperated with me and got me into the fast moving column…no problems anywhere along the route…! Brevard County deputies and some from surrounding areas….thanks for a job well done…!!

This old man hopes that he’ll be around for the ride next year…!!!

Miserable George