Our favorite area on Wednesday of Bike Week is Cacklebery Campground and the Cabbage Patch, out in Samsula. We rolled in late Wed. morning and …
Biketoberfest with Twisted Minds at Cacklebery Campground by Valgal
This Biketoberfest has been the BEST I have ever attended… In a melancholy way I had the time of my life with my friends… Always …
Cacklebery…and…Cabbage Patch by Miserable George
OK, ValGal asked me to come up to Cacklebery on Friday of Biketoberfest to kind of ”back her up”, as it were…!!! I couldn’t stay …
ROSCOE’S LITTLE HONEYS by Miserable George
In just a few short weeks, the 34th. edition of the famed Roscoe’s Chili Challenge will take place just outside of Lakeland, Fl. SO, we …
LEESBURG BIKEFEST – 2019 by Miserable George
As far as I could tell, the 23rd. Annual Leesburg Bikefest was the largest yet… including vendors, motorcycles, events, entertainment, and, of course…PEOPLE…! One group …
Willie’s Tropical Tattoo Chopper Show…Bike Week…2019 by Miserable George
Ya know, I’m not even sure just how many years the fabulous Willie’s Tropical Tattoo Chopper Show has been going on during Bike Week and …
CACKLEBERY and the PATCH by Miserable George
Wednesday at Bike Week is always our day to visit a Bike Week tradition…the Cabbage Patch… and now…it looks like yet another tradition has been …
WHISKERS…Bike Week-2019 by Miserable George
Not much to really say about whiskers…to look at them, says it all. Some samples we got during our visit to Bike Week this year… …