

Our favorite area on Wednesday of Bike Week is Cacklebery Campground and the Cabbage Patch, out in Samsula. We rolled in late Wed. morning and began our trek around the campgrounds, checking out the various vendors and attractions, and of course…people…(babes)…! Two ladies there had a “pain station”, there was “slime wrestling”, massage tables, regular tag-team wrestling, the “Wall of Death”, and some cute beer girls. After awhile, I did venture across 415 to the Cabbage Patch grounds to witness, among other things, the Cole Slaw Wrestling, the Budweiser Clydesdales, more beer girls, my favorite MC, Radical Randy, and fellow photog…Jackman. I always enjoy walking the perimeter of the big field and talking to the spectators as well as getting some interesting pics!! After the wrestling, I dragged my tired ass back to Cacklebery to catch the “Big Daddy Band”…my favorite group.

By now, this old boy was BUSHED and ready to head for home. All in all, it was a fun-filled day, mixing it up with the Bike Week crowd. Met a few new people…that’s always nice…!

GOD bless America!!!

Miserable George

Biketoberfest with Twisted Minds at Cacklebery Campground by Valgal

This Biketoberfest has been the BEST I have ever attended… In a melancholy way I had the time of my life with my friends… Always the ones missing in my thoughts… But I have been adopted by FOUR young men that I now consider family… My Brothers from the band Twisted Minds, Inc. They somehow have been able to fill a hole in my heart I never thought would ever get full again, YET here they are, Jason, Chris, Rags and of course Jasper… You guys mean more to me than you will EVER KNOW… You constantly show your love for music and friends and family with every moment you are on stage. I will be up y’all’s ass on my birthday so just plan something fun for that fateful day and let’s make good memories… I love you TMI and their Queens with all my heart…. Here are some pictures of that fun night… ENJOY!


Cacklebery…and…Cabbage Patch by Miserable George

OK, ValGal asked me to come up to Cacklebery on Friday of Biketoberfest to kind of ”back her up”, as it were…!!! I couldn’t stay very long, because I wanted to cover the Sons of Speed Vintage MC Race at New Smyrna Speedway, just down the road. I hooked up with Jackman, and we crossed over to the Cabbage Patch for some chow and to have a look around over there, till it was time to head for the speedway. Weather was kind of “iffy”, with occasional “drippies”, but, we persevered.  Biketoberfest was fast coming to an end for this old boy!!! Not as energetic as I used to be!!! But, we had fun…that’s what counts. See ya around!!!

Miserable George

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ROSCOE’S LITTLE HONEYS by Miserable George

In just a few short weeks, the 34th. edition of the famed Roscoe’s Chili Challenge will take place just outside of Lakeland, Fl. SO, we figured we’d send you a little “primer” just in case you might be “on the fence” as to whether you wanna go or not. Old School Biker Magazine will be there, and, who knows….YOU might just get into the magazine!!! Check it out…  See YOU there…???

Miserable George

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Harley Rendezvous Classic 2019 by Rick Kline

LEESBURG BIKEFEST – 2019 by Miserable George

As far as I could tell, the 23rd. Annual Leesburg Bikefest was the largest yet…

including vendors, motorcycles, events, entertainment, and, of course…PEOPLE…! One group actually came down from Canada…!!

As always, law enforcement was there, but kept a low profile, unlike some OTHER events I could mention!!! While I was there, I didn’t see a single problem, even though alcohol IS permitted on the street…! The sidewalks were kinda crowded, including the usual baby buggies and dog petters.

Motorcycle traffic was well managed, with NO 4-wheelers on Main St…..the way it SHOULD be!!

As always, the Rat’s Hole Bike Show was fabulous, and under the big tent, Radical Randy was running a heads-up chain of events, including the Miss Rat Mate contest. As usual, the girl I picked didn’t win, but, she was 2nd. Runner-up…!

No admittance on the high building this year…something about security…but, all in all…lots of good photo opps.

My thanks to the Leesburg Partnership, Ken Cordes, Radical Randy and Mandy Wettstein, for all your help. We had a fabulous day, a bit tiring,  but, FUN!! Hope to do it again next year!!!

Ride safe, remember our troops, and, stand up for your country…

Miserable George

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Willie’s Tropical Tattoo Chopper Show…Bike Week…2019 by Miserable George

Ya know, I’m not even sure just how many years the fabulous Willie’s Tropical Tattoo Chopper Show has been going on during Bike Week and Biketoberfest, but,

it gets bigger and better every year!!

Plenty of parking space, food and drink vendors, babes, and of course, some of the craziest hand made choppers you’ll ever come across.

Roadside Marty kept the ball rolling all day as only HE can. Ace builder, Dave Perewitz was there too, plus, I did run into a top female racer, Brittney Olsen, in her signature red skirt and golden slippers!!!  Big Rick and the Troublemakers were wailing out back…good show, Rick.

The group of Veterans was back to enjoy the show…God bless ‘em. I had company with me this year…Tonya…one of our cover girls. It was her first trip to Bike Week, and, she loved it!! I think the pictures can tell the story a lot better than I can, so…enjoy…!!!

ValGal has some stuff coming up too…Ride safe…

Miserable George

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CACKLEBERY and the PATCH by Miserable George

Wednesday at Bike Week is always our day to visit

a Bike Week tradition…the Cabbage Patch…

and now…it looks like yet another tradition has been born…

just across the road…Cacklebery Campground.

Both venues were jammed to the hilt with revelers from all over the world-literally- a sea of eager bikers, out to cram all the fun they could into their beings, in as short a time as possible…(it seemed)!! But hell, that’s Bike Week!!  

With Cole Slaw Wrestling, the Budweiser Clydsdales, the gorgeous “beer girls”, food of every conceivable type, plus vendors selling just about anything you could imagine, and a campgrounds near-by…I mean, this was IT!!!

Folks, this is a corner of Bike Week you wanna get acquainted with ASAP!! Go to SR 415 & Pioneer Trail in Samsula…easy to find…that’s where it’s happening!!!

Maybe we’ll see ya there next time…

Miserable George

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WHISKERS…Bike Week-2019 by Miserable George

Not much to really say about whiskers…to look at them, says it all. Some samples we got during our visit to Bike Week this year…

Miserable George

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