
H&D ROADHOUSE….a TEN YEAR DREAM by Miserable George

     As they always say….”It seems like yesterday”, but, I met Harry Vigliano on the very day that he decided to purchase what is now H&D Roadhouse, and yes, it does seem like yesterday. When you have to ask permission to park your dilapidated van in the parking lot of a business establishment, just for a place to sleep, and then end up owning the place…well…THAT’S a dream come true…!!  Harry and wife Deb, have had a lot of luck with H&D Roadhouse, however, there have been snags and bad times as well…yes even a tragedy along the way, but, they persevered. Then in early 2020, perseverance became number one, when the Covid pandemic overtook the world. It was rough going for awhile, but Harry and Deb stuck it out, and with the support of their many friends,and staff, have succeeded in saving their hard-fought business. Sunday, March 28, 2021, a huge gathering of friends helped to celebrate 10 years of operation of H&D Roadhouse. Harry’s “Grease Pit” provided food, there were non-stop live bands all day and into the night, and some karaoke later on as well. A tremendous celebration befitting the efforts of this courageous hard working couple. GOD BLESS you guys, and we wish you many more years of success…!!!! They couldn’t have done it without the help of their fabulous staff….you guys are THE BEST…        

Miserable George & ValGal

George’s pics

Valgals Pix

H&D  ROADHOUSE by Miserable George

…..a tribute to our friends who have brought us so much joy…

Like you all, I’m stuck in the house, and what better way to make use of all my time, than to put together a piece to pay tribute to H&D Roadhouse. These images are from the various gatherings we’ve attended at Harry and Debbie’s establishment on SR 520 East, just across from the Lincoln dealer. There is an element of sadness here, in that some of the folks you’ll see are no longer with us, but, I’m sure they are all smiling down, and watching over us all. We pray that this terrible situation we are experiencing presently, will soon go away, and hopefully, we’ll all come out on top. When things DO finally clear up, let’s all get out there and welcome Harry and Deb back into business. They’ve helped many of us down through the years…let’s NOW help them…!!! GOD bless you guys…!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY by Miserable George

Celebrating your birthday in January in Florida, in 70 degree weather has got to be the best way ever….and, Harry Vigliano, owner and operator of H&D Roadhouse in Merritt Island, on SR 520, got just that!!!

The party started about 8PM, Friday, January 10, 2020, at the Roadhouse, with the band “Mental Note” kicking things off, with the house being packed at around 9PM. Harry is a kind and generous man all year ‘round…always ready and willing to help out anyone who might run into a stretch of hard times.

He loves and respects all of his many customers who are more like close friends than people who help him earn a living!! It’s almost like one, big, happy family. I’ve known him for many years, and you can take it from me…the man is a PRINCE. Many customer-pleasing improvements have been made since Harry took over.

Hey, why not stop in at H&D Roadhouse for a cold one…Harry, wife Deb, and the whole crew will treat you right. Tell ‘em “Miserable” sent you…!!

Again Harry….HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend…!

Miserable George

HAPPY NEW YEAR…from H&D ROADHOUSE by Miserable George

Well, as luck would have it, the weather turned cold on New Years Eve, but, there were 2 riders mixed in with the nice crowd at the annual New Year’s Eve celebration at H&D Roadhouse,SR 520, in Merritt Island, FL. However, the band, “Heatstroke” got the place warmed up pretty quickly with a great selection of tunes, and, I did hear many compliments aimed toward them all evening long…! Also, there were the usual snacks provided as well as the gorgeous Jello Shot Lady, and campaign drinks for all at midnight. For me again, it was like “old-home-week”…meeting several persons I hadn’t seen for quite a spell.

A big THANKS to Harry and Deb and their entire crew for a job well done, not only THIS night, but all year long…those people are fabulous…!!

Hey, from Old School Biker Magazine, we wish all of you the very best in the coming new year.

Be safe, stand up for your country, thank a VET today, and GOD BLESS you all…!

Miserable George…ValGal…and JC…

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H&D Roadhouse…Christmas Party 2019 by Miserable George

Dec. 21, 2019, was a cloudy, drizzly, but warm night in our area of Florida…H&D Roadhouse to be exact, where their annual Christmas celebration took place. Not a good night to be riding motorcycles for sure!!! Never-the-less, a big crowd DID show up to usher in the Christmas Holidays!! The band-”Heat Stroke” had the place jumpin’ in no time flat, and as always, there was a table full of tasty goodies to whet your appetite, while you eye-balled all the female Santa’s helpers scampering around the premises!! Of course, Santa walked in and invited any and all to sit on his lap…THAT was a riot!!! Ashley won the “best dressed” contest, and Jess copped the “cookie contest”…!! I ran into some friends that I hadn’t seen for a LONG time….that’s always a treat!! Hey, we gotta thank Harry and Deb and their fabulous staff for a job well done…(always). They just make ya feel at home at H&D Roadhouse. I wish them all (and YOU) a Merry Christmas and the Happiest and most prosperous of New Years.

Don’t forget, thank a VET today, and stand up for your country…GOD BLESS AMERICA…!

Miserable George

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CRITTER RUN 2019 by Miserable George

The weather forecast for Nov. 24, 2019, was not TOO favorable…at least not in the morning, however, after some early showers, the sky DID turn mostly blue, and, the run was on!! Most of the 131 sign-ins were at the last minute, but, we squeaked them in. Many brought pet food, and other necessities. There was cake and goodies  in the front office, and a lovely little lady-Mac- was out front selling T-shirts. We missed our Traffic Lady, Patches, this year…she was side-lined with some health issues, BUT, she promises to return next time!! The run ended at H&D Roadhouse on SR 520 on Merritt Island, where the staff had some very tasty food waiting, plus the usual array of cold stuff to wash the dust away…!!! All of the run winners donated their money winnings back to the Humane Society…very generous indeed…!! The live entertainment consisted of “Jam Bands”, which got the job done very nicely. There were several items up for auction as well, which brought in a tidy sum to aid the animals..!!! I’d say it was a very enjoyable day all around. Thanks to Harry, Debbie, and Tayla, and  the crew, and the Humane Society reps for a very pleasant day.

Thank a Vet today, and, God Bless America…!!

Miserable George & ValGal

REMEMBERING SHARKY by Miserable George

Donna-Sharky-Montgomery left this world on December 16, 2018. She was known as the “Surfing Indian”, and very popular in our Space Coast area. Husband, Monte, arranged a memorial gathering at H&D Roadhouse, on Feb. 24, 2019. There was a live band, food, and a large amount of pure fellowship…the perfect weather brought out a nice crowd. Inside was a display of Sharky’s favorite photos.

She was a special lady, and we all miss her.

I know, she’s riding that Special Surf…way out yonder…the one that never ends…Hang Ten, Sharky….!!!!

Miserable George

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HARRY & DEBBI….H&D ROADHOUSE… by Miserable George

This place has had several owners, as well as names down through the years…Pelican Creek Pub, Smokehouse Saloon, and, others which escape me. Owners too, the last one before Harry, was Tony…further back than that…I’m at a loss. Harry and Deb acquired the place in 2011, and labeled it H&D Roadhouse.Almost immediately, the place gained momentum as a friendly biker bar. Improvements were made to the building in general, as well as the back yard, a deck was built, plus a tidy little serving bar. Weeds were cleared to improve parking, and a new, huge sign went up out front.

H&D became an ending spot for poker runs and many, many, benefit events for unfortunate bikers who needed a lift up. Food was available at all events…no charge…bands were invited to play, and show their stuff…and yes…a new backyard stage has just been put into operation.

Every third Saturday is BBQ day…donations appreciated. There were Hoe-Down, and Hula Hoop nights as well.

Harry and Deb had to struggle through a recent family tragedy, the tragic loss of daughter Rachel. Friends were there to help, but, the scars still have not yet completely healed. Through both thick and thin, Harry and Deb have persevered …always ready to lend a hand. These are REAL PEOPLE…people whom you’ll get to love, the better you get to know them…so…stop in sometime…

1811 E. SR 520, Merritt Island, FL…

have a cold one, and get acquainted with this fabulous couple and their friendly staff…you’ll thank us here at OSB Magazine. GOD BLESS YOU, Harry and Deb, and may good fortune be YOURS…you guys are THE best…!!!!

Miserable George

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Even though a cold snap had blown into our area, a few brave souls actually rode to the annual Christmas celebration at H&D Roadhouse, in Merritt Island, FL. A nice, cheery crowd attended to partake of the live band…”The All-star Band”, plus the fabulous food, cooked up by owner, Harry Vigliano and his buddy, Scott, plus, some donated goodies. Hey…all delicious!!! Virtuoso sax-man, Jay Mollica sat in with the band for a few numbers, and by the way…Jay hauled his horn in on the back of his bike!!! All in all, it was (as always) a heart warming get-together. A BIG thanks to Harry, Deb, and ALL the H&D crew and friends for making this a joyous party…ValGal and I enjoyed it to the MAX!!! From all of us at OSB Magazine, and H&D Roadhouse…Merry Christmas and a Happy and Joyous New Year…GOD bless you all….

Miserable & ValGal

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Critter Run….2018 by Miserable George

Despite the “Cold Spell” that hit Brevard County recently, turn-out for the 2018 Critter Run was pretty good…they told me 91 riders signed up!!! Starting point  was the Brevard County Animal Shelter out on Cox Rd. Riders were asked to bring much needed supplies for our furry friends, and, that they did!!!

The run covered scenic Brevard Co. countrysides, and ended at H&D Roadhouse, SR 520, on Merritt Island.

By this time, the temps had risen a bit, and everyone was a lot more comfortable, ready to indulge in a drink or two, and some of Harry’s fabulous food. Live entertainment all day, by some of the Roadhouses’ best musicians…I even saw some people DANCING!!! Awards were presented to riders for first place(best hand), worst hand, and a mystery hand.

We certainly did miss Sally, but I believe she was watching from up there on the Golden Road…RIP, Sal.

Hey, remember our Vets, and, stand up for the U.S.A….

Miserable and ValGal

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