
BAD APPLE RAT RODS by Miserable George

Saturday, Nov. 30, 2019 was just about a perfect day weather-wise, so, ValGal and I motored up to the old Iron Horse Bar in Ormond Beach, for the Bad Apple Rat Rod Show. It started around 3PM, so many of the entries at the Turkey Rod Run in Daytona, motored up to Bad Apple after THEIR showing in Daytona. Two good shows in one afternoon for the car people…!!! Nice crowd there enjoyed a live band, food, the fabulous Iron Horse bars, easy parking right next door, and of course…babes…!!! Lots of good looking bikes there too, and an antique fire engine parked out front. It’s always a blast too, to venture up on the over-head walk-way to check out the grounds. Long about late afternoon, this old boy got tired from all the walking, so, we left, and missed the judging…sorry. Old age is a real bummer!!! BUT, it was a good day all around.

Hey, thank a VET today, and, stand up for your country…!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

Valgal’s pics

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Crossroads Car Show by Miserable George

On the way up to this show, Val and I were pretty worried about what the weather would be when we got there. We hit rain on I.95, and could see nasty looking clouds all around us, but, by the grace of the BIG WEATHERMAN in the SKY, NO rain at the show, out on SR 44 in Samsula…nasty looking clouds…BUT…no rain. It was our first time out there, and, we were really impressed by the huge number of cars, trucks, and motorcycles on display! Admission was free, as was the food offered by the Crossroads Christian Church, on whose grounds the show took place. Mustangs seemed to dominate, so, we tried to present more of the more unusual looking vehicles…nothing against Ford, of course!!! Val likes Jeeps, so they kept HER busy. Me…? I’m a HEMI man!!! All in all, a good show. We put up with the blistering heat as long as we could, then it was off to an air conditioned restaurant for a Father’s Day treat…thanks Val!!! Hey, support our troops, and…stand up for our country…!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

George’s pics

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 Val’s pics

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Groundhog Gala 19 by Valgal

Every year I look forward to going to this awesome car show at The Barn in Sanford, Florida…

I Love old cars, old bikes and Pin-up girls!

The cars were packed in tight and the girls were dressed to impress, but as you all know I am most attracted to the old bikes!… Our friend and bike builder Brent Dwyer won Best Bike !!

I hope these photos project what a great day it was… I do need to mention that because of recent tragedies we have a few EMPTY spots at the show this year… RIP Tom Detrick and Gary Gorman. The car world will never be the same without you 🙁 .

Please enjoy the photos and if you need copies of any photo please contact me…


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Well, I did something today…Oct. 13, 2018…that I don’t usually do…I screwed up…big time!! True, we DID hit the Biker Day at Legion Post #1, just after 1 PM. THAT part was fine!! The live band, Gypsy Rain was blasting away, folks were dancing, food was available, as were tickets for a raffle and 50/50…nice crowd there!! HOWEVER, we had planned to hit the car show at Fox Lake Park as well, but, not realizing that it had started at 10AM, when we arrived there just after 2PM…most of the entrants had departed…! DAMN!!!

Now, Fox Lake Park, being the beautiful place that it is, tempted a few groups to hang around awhile, so, we managed to capture several pics of some beautiful cars as well as the scenic surroundings. I searched for alligators, but, found none!! BUT, I did capture a brace of Sand Hill Cranes, feeding by a pond, so, the day was not a COMPLETE loss!! Sorry folks, but, these things DO happen from time to time. I will strive to make sure that this won’t happen again.

Hey, stand up for your country, and GOD BLESS the USA!!!

Miserable George

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Derelicts  Car  Club…Indian River Rumble #6 by by Miserable George

November 11, 2017, started out a bit on the “iffy” side weather wise, but, as luck would have it, the day turned out beautiful.

Upwards of 75 custom cars and motorcycles turned out for the 6th. Annual Indian River Rumble,

held again at American Legion Post #1, just north of Titusville, Fl. on U.S.#1.

Nice crowd, with live bands “Deadbolt”, and “Dead-Eyed Suburbanites” jamming all day!! Hungry…? They had super good hot dogs and hamburgers, and drinks from A to Z!!! Lots of beautiful door prizes too, AND, hand made trophies to all the class winners!  As always, we ran into some old friends, and really had a good time. As far as the cars…I believe the pictures tell it all!!

Thanks to the Derelict Car Club for another outstanding event, and to Post #1 for their on-going hospitality!

Miserable George

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John Kuno’s -1963 Nova by ValGal

John Kuno’s -1963 Nova
383 Stroker
200 Shot Nitrous

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