
Bouncing Around with ValGal

I had such a blast with all my friends this week end…. Yes we (they) got drenched on Saturday on the benefit run for Keith but it was such an awesome break from the heat, nobody seemed to care. My friend Tiffany could have taken the dry way out and rode with me in the truck but NOOOO she is a hard core rider and stayed with her man Rusty…

We ended up at Hard Racks in Christmas Florida.

 What AWESOME food they had… Smoked pork, chicken, corn on the cob and ALL the sides and fixin’s… Yummy! I hope y’all enjoy these pictures as much as I do… If ya haven’t seen what Jay plastered on Facebook yet click on these… they tell a story :)… Thank you to Ed and everyone at Hard Racks for a wonderful time!

Love Y’all, Ride Safe!


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OSB Bike Show Benefit for Teri by Valgal and Miserable George

Well what can we say… DAMN RAIN!… That’s what I said!… Our OSB Bike Show still turned out to be tons of fun at Oasis benefit for Teri…

Awesome crowd showed up for this beautiful girl, Thank you all for your support!.  

The Saddle Band was great as usual… Never disappoints. !  

Best of show – John

Best Rat- Ted

Best Custom/Street – George

Best Old School- Rick

Thank you all for showing your support… Love Valgal and Miserable George

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THE  MOB…3RD Annual Bike Rodeo by Miserable George

    Despite the gloomy looking skies, and the ever-present threat of showers,

the Third Annual Melbourne MOB Motorcycle Rodeo went off without a hitch!!

This event benefits the Haven House for Children, in Melbourne, Fl. A worthy cause indeed!!

The live band…BLOODSHOT…entertained all day, with back-up from impromptu DJ…Brother Chuckles!

The rodeo events included the Slo-race, Barrel roll, Plank Ride, and the ever popular…WEENIE BITE!!! As always, food and drink were available in abundance, as were a host of pretty girls, tripping the light fantastic all over the grounds!! Lots of nice items in the auction, as well as a 50/50 drawing.

Certificates of appreciation were awarded during the course of the day too…for event winners and to special individuals…All in all, a good way to spend a day, and, for a good cause too. Well done Warlock’s of Melbourne..!!

Miserable George and ValGal

George’s Pics

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Val’s Pics

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I want to send special “Thank You” to Robin Bailey for these pics! Thanks Robin!    – jc

Robin’s Pics

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H&D Roadhouse & Old School Biker Magazine’s 2017 Double Anniversary Party

    April 15, 2017…6 years for Harry and Deb at the Roadhouse, and starting OSB’s third year.

The weather was absolutely fantastic…perfect day to ride. The crowd trickled in during the course of the afternoon, and, in no time at all, the place was jumpin’…!!

A good live band in the afternoon to warm things up, THEN, the feature band…DRIVEN…wowed the gang in the evening hours.

As always, good food was had in abundance, the bar was bustling, a 50/50 drawing, and awards were given out to the winning hot rod and motorcycle.

Much to the delight of the guys…there were LOTS of pretty ladies prancing around, and, we DID corner one for a nice photo shoot…thanks CHLOE!!!

Here’s to many more years for Harry and Deb…they’ve done wonders with the place. OSB will always try our best to keep the area riders informed…H&D and OSB….a perfect combination for FUN!!! Hey, that’s what it’s all about…right…?

Miserable George & ValGal


Miserable George’s Pics

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ValGal’s Pics

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