
Congressman Bill Posey shows up for Wreaths Across America by Miserable George

    The Wreaths Across America Program was established several years ago to pay tribute to our deceased fighting men and women, who are interred in one of the many National Cemeteries across the country. Cape Canaveral National Cemetery joined the program in 2016…a year after opening in 2015.

The event took place on Dec. 17, 2016, on a warm, beautiful day, attracting a huge crowd, which included U.S.Congressman, Bill Posey.

A moment of silence was observed, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, an invocation, and, retiring of the colors. Next came the placing of the Ceremonial Wreaths, remarks from the dignitaries, Benediction, a 21 gun salute, and Taps.

This was followed by the actual placing of the wreaths against every headstone in the cemetery …very inspiring and emotional.

They tell me that there were over 200 bikers who rode in from all over Brevard County, to pay their respects to the over 1520 veterans buried here.

The ceremonial wreaths were brought in on a caisson drawn by 2 army mules, and the wreaths to be placed against the headstones, were delivered by Walmart Transport personnel.

Thanks to all who helped make this event a huge success. It was a day to be remembered!!

Miserable George

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     Saturday, Dec. 10, 2016, produced a bit of a chill in the air on the Space Coast, but, that didn’t stop a hardy bunch of riders from showing up at Bike Day, at Legion #1, just north of Titusville, Fl.

It was also a day to remember our vets, especially the more unfortunate ones, during this Christmas Season.

An auction along with several substantial donations, brought in some much needed cash for the cause. It was also a day to remember deceased Legion members.  

On the lighter side, the crowd chose an elf to help Santa out in his travels!!!! She can help ME out, anytime!!!

A 50/50 drawing, plus lots to eat and drink, rounded out a very pleasant day at #1…Hope to see you all next month…remember ALL our vets…ALWAYS…

Miserable George & ValGal

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WARM – FULL – SAFE by Miserable George

      Proceeds from the Tony Mirabella Poker Run, have been helping Homeless Veterans for sometime now.

With 3 sign-in locations around the area, well over 100 bikes made the run, on Sunday, Nov.27, 2016, with the run ending at American Legion Post #1, in Titusville, FL.

All proceeds go to the National Veterans Homeless Support, which helps to actually keep Vets warm, full, and safe, and it really lives up to it’s name!!

Best hand earned $500, with $200 going to the worst hand!!

Big Daddy’s Rock & Roll Band did its usual fabulous job at entertaining the huge crowd.

Good food and drink helped too!!

I understand that at this event…over $10,000 was raised, with donations still coming in…!! Big Lou and the gang….you did your jobs well…God Bless you all…!!

Miserable George & ValGal…

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Old Guys and Bikes RULE!! by Miserable George

    This is something a bit different.

It was the “old guys” who started this whole biking thing…many years ago. It was different then…WAY different.

OSB would like to pay homage to these men and a few of their machines. They may not be as desirable to look at, but if it were not for them….there would be NO biker babes…think about THAT!!!

Yes, there are several RIP’s in this display…GOD bless them all…several of them were my close friends…

Miserable George

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Biketoberfest 2015 at Cacklebery Campground by ValGal

Beautiful day to party like a rockstar up at Cacklebery Campground for Biketoberfest … Bikes, babes and beer is just what a biker needs.

Big Daddy Band playing awesome tunes all day Saturday with a wet tshirt contest and lots of other things to do between sets.

I love the atmosphere at this event… No Yuppies here! There was one particular vendor with lots of swap meet fare for us old school peeps… bike week here will be bigger than ever so make sure you put this on your bike week calendar for 2016!


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