Sinclair Law

The 20th Anniversary Brevard LawRide on May 4th was a big day in Brevard County, it was the day of the much anticipated LawRide, starting at the huge Law Museum on SR 405. At 10:30AM, over 400 bikes rumbled west on SR 405 to Singleton, and on over to Garden, over the big bridge and out to the Kennedy Space Center.

There was a launch scheduled for that day, so there were no stops at KSC. It was a straight thru shot back to the Museum area for lunch. Kind of a short run, but it was still a fun day….I enjoyed it with my daughter, ValGal.

Kudos to the Sheriff’s Dept. and their expert riders who made the ride a safe one..

Miserable George

Miserable George’s Pics

Valgal’s Pix