Sinclair Law

    Well, Sunday, Feb. 19, 2017, started out wet and blustery…Val and I stopped to shoot the SPACE-X launch on the way up to Ormond Beach for the 22nd. Anniversary Celebration of Midwest Motorcycle. Slow but sure, the weather DID improve, and turned out to be a pretty nice day…sunny and warm…the way we like it!!

We got lucky, and copped a free parking spot not far from the gate. I wanted to talk to Billy Lane, but, he was leaving, just as we pulled in…just our luck.

Anyway, the event was nothing short of fabulous.

Tremendous crowd, many, many, bikes in the show, as well as the huge parking area…live band on stage…lots of vendors to keep ya stepping lively…good food stands, and, surprise-surprise…$2 beers…WOW!!

PLUS….a real host of gorgeous ladies skittering around the grounds! I met up with a group who used to live up north, near me…it was like “old home week”…!

Val covered the trophy presentation…beautiful, hand made trophies, fashioned from motorcycle parts…very unique, for sure!!

I tell ya folks…it was a very enjoyable day. Our thanks to Leslie, bar owner, and Heavy, from Midwest Motorcycle, for their efforts…GOOD SHOW!!!

Miserable George

George’s Pics

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ValGal’s Pics

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