Sinclair Law


      I’ve always been a great fan of half-mile motorcycle racing…both dirt, and asphalt, but, I had never seen the old “Board Trackers”…

that is until Sat. Mar. 18, at New Smyrna Speedway, in Samsula, Fl. True, they didn’t run on the boards like back in the teens and twenties…BUT…they ran, on the asphalt at New Smyrna.

Although, the old board trackers ran at speeds in excess of 100MPH, the Sons of Speed machines clocked in at between 65 and 70 MPH, but, still gave the nearly packed house of avid fans, a very exciting day of racing!!

Yes, there were a few “first time gliches”, but, this is to be expected for an inaugural event. Despite some minor setbacks with the machines….EVERYONE was given an opportunity to get out on the track…much to the satisfaction of the fans…!!

Those bikes have a sound all their own; it kinda took ya back a few years, to the thrilling days of the Boarders..!! I was high up in the grand-stand, and, ValGal covered the pit area, so, we hope we’ve given you an interesting view of the event…as we saw it…!!

     Brittany Olsen…yes, a lady rider, was the over-all winner. Heat winners were: Billy Lane, Buzz Kanter, Brittany Olsen, and Shelly Rossmeyer. If I missed anyone, I ‘m sorry.

A big THANKS to Billy Lane and the Sons of Speed for a truly outstanding first-time event. Be careful out there…

Miserable George & ValGal

Miserable George’s pics

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ValGal’s pics

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