Sinclair Law

Under a very slight threat of rain, ValGal and I ventured to the Last Resort Bar in Harbor Oaks for their Upsweep Bike Show on Sat. Jan. 27, 2018.

I hadn’t been in the Last Resort for quite a spell, but, I can assure you all that it hasn’t lost any of its “old school” look and feel!!!

The pile of Jap Junk out back, may have gotten a bit larger, and a few more names may have been added to the rafters inside the bar room, but, other that that, it remains the way it was back in MY hey-day!!!  We did run into several old friends while there, among them it was a pleasure to see “OJ”, Orange John Marinelli, an old MC drag racing friend, and former national record holder!! Nice to see ol’ Puppy from Outlaw Biker magazine too!! Among the many hand-built motorcycles on display, were several really unique machines with features that I had never seen before…check out the pictures!!! All in all, it was a very enjoyable day, despite the slight drizzle that passed through. Oh yeah, got a damn good hamburger while we were there…thanks Val!!!!!!! Hey, cheer up…Bike Week is almost here!!! Ride safe, and remember our Vets!!!

Miserable George and ValGal

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Val’s View

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