Sinclair Law

Family Fun Day at the Vet’s Center on Merritt Island, Sept.21, a beautiful Saturday, included the Great All-American Chili Cook-off. It was the First Responders against the Veteran’s Organizations…a friendly competition between two tremendously  important groups. Who won, you ask…? Well, all we got was “Sandy”…we wish someone might enlighten us further as to which group she belonged to…so sorry, a slip-up on our part. There was food, Doc Holiday, a dunk tank, some games, and of course, you could tour the great Vet’s Museum. I got a chance to see, in person, a section of the U.S.S. Arizona, from Pearl Harbor, 1941. It will be on public display very soon. All in all, a very pleasing day…this event promises to be a very worthwhile one, please keep it in mind. I think it will grow…Thanks to all who participated…hope to see you all next year, and, THANK a First Responder and a Veteran today….

Miserable George & ValGal