Sinclair Law

Every year Abate of Brevard hosts

an amazing toy run to benefit children in need.

Bikers as a group care more than you could imagine, and if you doubt that all you need to do is see the thousands that show up for this event and the piles of toys that are donated to make sure that kids that might not otherwise have a Christmas are given presents along with love and hope.

The run this year started at the Merritt Square Mall and went from there, down 520 and across the Indian River to US1 and south to the ending point at Wickham park.

There were over 6,000 bikes that participated in the run.

Abate was able to provide Christmas presents to lots of children this year who might not have had any presents at all, if not for the generosity of local bikers. Thanks to all who attended and donated, and thanks to the folks at Abate of Brevard who work so hard to brighten the lives of local children. яндекс
