Sinclair Law

This is one run I always look forward to, and, the weatherman cooperated too.

A beautiful Sat., April 7th.,2018, saw about 650 bikes crowd into the area surrounding the American Police Hall of Fame and Museum,

on 6350 Horizon Drive, just off US#1, south of Titusville, Fl., for the 16th. Annual Law Ride.

If you were quick, you might have gotten a donut and some coffee, set up near the sign-in table. Also, you might have had time to tour the adjacent law museum, which is VERY interesting…it covers just about every aspect of law enforcement. Maybe you got hold of a gun raffle, or 50/50 ticket too!!

Then, it was KSU at 10:30AM, north to Titusville, over the Max Brewer Bridge, and on out to SR.3, and right to the VAB on the Space Center Complex….no KSC tour this year. After a photo opp at the VAB area, it was back to the Hall of Fame grounds for a very tasty lunch, and another session of photos for us.

One big, smooth operation, expertly handled by the Sheriff’s Depts. of Brevard, and several surrounding areas…well done, gentlemen!!!

As always, ride safe, and, stand up for your country!!!

Miserable George & ValGal

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