Sinclair Law

…..dedication day…

    What better time to dedicate 6  completed roads, winding through the Cemetery, than Memorial Day-2017! Again, Channel 13’s Greg Pallone performed as MC of the short, but very informative and inspiring program. Opening ceremonies led up to talks by local dignitaries, including General  Wayne Monteith, Col Danny McKnight, Cemetery Director, Don Murphy, and the Reps. of several local Law-makers. As always, Bagpiper, Jamie Holton played an electrifying “Amazing Grace”….The program was closed with a Rifle Salute, and, TAPS!! A very nice crowd braved the scorching hot weather. They were supplied with water, and given rides to and from the parking area…nice gestures indeed!! Stay alert for other up-coming programs at the Cemetery. May GOD bless all our service men and women, who gave their ALL in defense of this great country. GOD BLESS AMERICA….!!!!

Miserable George

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