Sinclair Law

IMG_0150The Crazy Horse Tavern out on SR 520, in West Cocoa, was started way back in 1967…so they tell me. It was a popular watering hole, featuring a drive-in window, pool table, jukebox, and, a nice long bar!! Many a thirsty rider, heading west out SR 520, would make this his last stopping place before he got out of town. Well folks…it’s all over now. The place is scheduled for demolition to make way for a Cumberland Farms Store. The last “party day” was Sat. Aug. 13, featuring a nice spread of snacks for the crowd of “regulars” who showed up to bid the old place one final “good-by”…!!  Kinda sad, really…I for one, will miss seeing that old place, sitting there on the corner of Clearlake Rd. and SR 520…I guess, they call this “progress”…???

Miserable George