The Dragon Slayers 10th. Anniversary in Brevard, along with their National Party took place on August 3rd. at the Best Western Motel in Cocoa Beach, Fl.
The band, Twisted Minds, Inc. were already wailing away when I got there, and, the food was ready, so…I sat down and chowed down…!!!
Out of the nice crowd, several folks were in the pool…I envied them. Others were milling about the spacious grounds, renewing old friendships with Brothers as well as Bros from several of the other clubs present.
I gotta thank the Brothers who allowed me access to the balcony through their room…got some good shots from there. A big thanks too, to all the ladies who posed, especially Jami and Sharon, as well as the beautiful “Bicycle Babe”, Amber. All in all, a real bang-up affair, to be sure.
Thanks Brothers for having me.
Hey, ride safe, and stand up for your country…
Miserable George