Sinclair Law

Man, 18 years….hardly seems possible!!! BUT…Saturday, August 10, 2019, WAS the 18 year celebration of the Melbourne Mob, and, of course, there was a party at the clubhouse on Lincoln Ave., in Melbourne, FL. The weather looked a bit “iffy”, but held out favorably, which prompted the gathering of a pretty nice crowd. SCHD’s All-American Band provided live entertainment, while inside the CH, food was offered, along with the cold stuff. YES…they DID have my favorite…Sandra’s chicken ‘N dumplings…lots of sweet goodies too. The program HAD called for a sort of boob show…not the biggest, but, but what the crowd would call…”the best…!” Alas,no volunteers for that one!! Too bad, maybe next time. I noticed quite a few possible entries, BUT, no go!!!Well, boobs or NO boobs, it was a fun event, and as you can see, we experimented with black & white for a few of the pics. Let us know what you think of it…OK?? Our thanks to the MOB for their hospitality. Thank a vet today, and, stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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