Sinclair Law

     Well, I gotta say, the weatherman could NOT have been more generous to the Leathernecks MC on Oct. 2, 2021….the weather was PERFECT…maybe a tad warm. A banner crowd piled into the grounds on Forrest Ave. in Cocoa, Fl., ready for a full day of plain old FUN, and, that’s what they got!! The red-hot band, TMI belted out an afternoon of fabulous sounds, the food was hot and ready, and the Bike-wash babes….well, they were hot too and busy all day. There was a 50/50(which was donated back), and a drawing for some weaponry, plus some surprise baskets. Lots of old friends there as well as several new ones that I had the pleasure of meeting, also several local MC clubs were represented. I’d say that the Leathernecks 17th. Annual was a huge success!!!


Miserable George