Sinclair Law

Saturday, April 7, 2018, was a BUSY day for us, from early in the morning, BUT, we managed to complete a previous commitment, and, it was on to the Leatherneck’s MC out on Forrest Ave. in Cocoa, Fl. We got there a bit later than usual, and missed out on some of the food, but still managed to put away some pretty good chow!!

The beautiful Bike Wash Babes-Elle, Elisha, and Amanda- were hard at “work”, doing a bang-up job on some dirty scoots…keeping time with the steady recorded music…lovely girls!!! Prancing around the grounds, were several more friendly lovely’s, kinda keeping the guys on their toes!!!

This was a sort of send-off event for one of the men who was shipping out shortly, and we wish him all the best!!

We ran into several friends whom we hadn’t seen for quite a spell…Chrissy, you’re as gorgeous as ever!!! As darkness descended, this old boy was getting tired from all the events of the day, so we bid farewell. Nice crowd, good party, as always. Looking forward to the next one…stay tuned.

Ride safe, and stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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