Sinclair Law

 April 28, 2018, started out a wee bit on the cool side, but, it certainly didn’t take very long to heat up…I’m thinkin’ it was all those bikers streaming into town that did the trick. Standing on Main St, and looking west, it was bikes as far as you could see…Bikefest 2018 had begun!!!

That crowd just kept growing, and I was told, that it was a record!!

Main St. had become a gigantic parking lot for motorcycles only…NO 4-WHEELERS allowed…

the way it should be!! Market St. was packed with shoppers, all agog with what was offered by the myriad of vendors, featuring food, drink, leathers, jewelry, well, you name it…it was there!! Up on Main St., it was elbow to elbow with big, burly, bikers, to sweet little biker chicks, and of course, the proverbial baby buggies…some of them containing dogs!!! At the 6th. St. Town Square area, the crowd was cooling it, sitting down and taking in the near-by band, a few girls were actually cooling it IN the fountain!!

I had my usual lunch at the Porch Cafe, followed by a nice rest period at the Media Center, where I learned that there would be NO trip to the top of the Lightstream Bldg. till 9 that night!!! Well, I missed that…!

I always enjoy a stroll through the Rat’s Hole Chopper display area, where we eye-balled some pretty radical machines. Later, we took in the Miss Rat Mate contest, followed by the awarding of prizes for the Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show…those trophies were fabulous!! Radical Randy did his usual terrific job as main EMCEE, and it was a pleasure meeting Easyriders’ ace photog again…Don Rogers.

Well, it was getting late by now, and, this old boy was getting pretty tired, so, it was time to hit the road for home. A big THANK YOU goes out to Ken and Amanda for their hospitality and help during my day in Leesburg. Thanks too, to Randy for all the plugs…(Florida’s oldest photographer was one of them)..ya well, I guess it’s true!!

I believe Bikefest #22 will go into the record books as THE big one. If you missed it, make plans to be there in 2019.

Meanwhile, ride safe, and, stand up for your country…!!!

Miserable George

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