Sinclair Law

It’s a happy time, in that vets from all over the country come together again, get re-acquainted, share old times…the good and , I guess, the bad too, but,

it’s a sad time too, when you realize that there are enough names on that Wall to populate a small city

…names that represent men and women who died in service of their country…died, so that we could go on living, and now, be able to pay tribute to those heros!!

A spritz of rain did little to dampen the spirits of the huge crowd that poured into Wickham Park on Sat., April 21, 2018, to partake of the joys of a reunion of such a close-knit group of fighting men and women!!

As always, the Massing of the Colors was a very inspirational event, followed by the playing of the National Anthem by a U.S.Army Bugler , with the American flag flying overhead…kinda brought tears to this old boy’s eyes. This year, 4 choppers came into the Landing Zone…very impressive indeed!!! After the landing,

I made my way over to the Wall area…very inspiring to see the Sea Cadets walking Guard Duty!! Also, a group of Sea Cadets traversing the area, saluted every Vet they passed…looked like a group of truly dedicated young people!

The War Dogs were also remembered at several shrines!

Many mementos had been laid at the base of the Wall near names of loved ones lost. Many shrines in the area, including one for persons lost in the desert wars still going on.

Several locations there too, for Vets who needed guidance and/or help with PTSD, or other problems. Some very interesting displays of combat equipment as well.

Made my way to the Post #81’s food tent…Val and I got a fantastic meal at a good price. Checked out a lot of the vendor spots too, as we approached the chopper area, to watch the take-offs and their salute to the Wall, as they flew low over the lake near the Wall area…very touching indeed!! This pretty well brought my day to a close…a somewhat tiring but happy day.

May GOD bless all our military people, and bring them home safe.

Our thanks to all who made this event a truly enjoyable one…Doc…you’re #1 in my book!!! Ride safe, and stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

George’s Pics

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Val’s Pics

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