Sinclair Law

       Long-time biker, Sidecar Willy and a friend, thought about this racing conception while having a beer at the Cabbage Patch Bar, long about 1991.

As they discussed this idea, Willy made sketches on a bar coaster, which he took with him when they left. After much planning and designing, they came up with a working model, which was plagued with problems such as balance and the shifting of center of gravity, during acceleration, and deceleration.

Placing of skids, front and rear, and handlebars, as well as a place for the rider to sit, were problems which were finally worked out, and a working model got a test run at Bike Week, 1991….it was a success…sort of.

Continued working and engineering finally got them the machine they wanted, plus notoriety…other guys were getting on the band wagon…a new sport was born!!! Today, it’s gone world-wide. Google up A.N.U.S…for the full story, I think you’ll like it…

Miserable George