Sinclair Law

In my many years of covering motorcycle club events, I’ve been to many different venues, but, on July 7, 2018, I hit a first! The North Brevard Chapter, WMC held their Anniversary Celebration at the SHERWOOD GOLF CLUB…just SW of Mims, Fl. The place was huge and unique, to say the least, and easily accommodated a nice group of 1%er Bikers and their friends. There was a huge club-room, with a nice bar, expertly managed by beautiful barmaid, Tory, pool tables, and lots of tables to just relax, while upstairs, was the main lounge where the fabulous food was served! DJ, Chuckles, and solo performer, Drew, kept us all entertained.

Outside, the weatherman treated us to a fabulous day of clear skies, although, a storm area passed a few miles south, we never got a drop. I’m thinkin’ that the two Lincolnshire Brothers from the U.K. really enjoyed THAT!!!

We’d like to thank Trucker, Chip, Randy, and all the North Brevard Brothers (and Sisters)  who poured out the hospitality, which by the way, prevails at all Warlock events! A very satisfying and fun day, for sure!!

Hey, ride safe, and stand up for your country!!!

Miserable George

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