Sinclair Law

I was quite shocked several weeks ago, when I saw a notice on the internet that a good friend of mine, Danny Bell, had passed away.  He was the Padre for the Melbourne Mob WMC Chapter, and was well liked by everyone, as was evident by the huge crowd that attended his Celebration of Life party on January 20, 2018, at the Mob club grounds. The large back field, used for parking, was completely filled up, as were the grounds surrounding the clubhouse. During the proceedings, several Brothers related stories concerning Danny, and daughter, Sybil gave an emotional talk about her Dad…very moving moments. Rounding out the event, was a tremendous food spread, music by DJ, Chuckles, a huge bonfire, and of course, rubbing elbows inside the clubhouse!! I’m sure Danny was smiling down on the whole event…you’ll be missed, my friend, may GOD rest your soul…

Miserable George

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