Sinclair Law

Well, Nov. 7-8-9 were BIG days for a lot of bikers in the state….yes, it was Roscoe’s Chili Challenge, at Roscoe’s place , just outside Lakeland, Fl.

I hooked up with my friends Don and his lady at Lone Cabbage, and they led me out to Roscoe’s where we set up camp for the week-end…we got the same good spot that we had last year. Now, I gotta say, the food vendors this year were fabulous…some of the best ever!! The weather too was terrific, just one tiny spritz on Sat. morning!!

The big thing about camping (at night) was the noise…took awhile to get to sleep. Oh hell….maybe it’s just me gettin’ older. Had some hot music, mini bike races, a bike show, horse shoe matches, a bike wash, LOTS of lovely ladies, biker games, a burn-out pit, and of course…..CHILI…!!! All flavors from mild, to HOT!!!!

We met some old friends out there…..that’s always nice!!! Did a lot of walking too…quite a chore for this old man..!!!

Well, I hope I’ll be around for next year’s event. Thank a VET today, and may GOD BLESS you all….

Miserable George