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     The weather for the BIG # 35 party was absolutely perfect…! My friends, Jay, Donny, and I rolled in about 10:45AM on Thursday, Nov. 5, 2020, and as always, got a perfect camping spot. Not too perfect for me, however…my new tent turned out to be too SMALL, but we managed. We got set up and kinda toured the grounds, which even on Thursday, were starting to fill up. All the food stands were operating, and if you were thirsty…well, that was available too!! Thursday was kinda quiet, however, Friday was a different story! It seemed that every time I looked at the front gate, there were several riders waiting to sign in. Over in the chili cooking area, Hank and the crew were already preparing ingredients for the big cook-out on the following day. Steve and his gang were getting the electronics all set for the bands and other stage activities. US…? Well, we toured the whole area looking for people we might know. We found them, and quite a few NEW friends. All this taking place under picture-perfect skies. Early evening saw the official welcoming ceremonies, with the presentation of the colors, and singing of the National Anthem…very moving indeed. May we never forget our men and women in the Armed Services, especially those who gave everything to preserve our country and our way of life. GOD bless them. Once the bands started, the crowd gathered in front of the stage and did what they always did…raised hell!!! Things were picking up for the many vendors who ringed the grounds. The ones I talked to, were doing OK. Saturday, I kinda slept in and missed the early morning activities, however, we made it in time for the biker games…weenie bite, slow races, etc. All events had little “twists” this year, which included topless ladies!!! Following that, it was time to eat CHILI, and eat they did! I believe all the cookers were cleaned out, with just a small portion left in Hank’s huge cauldron..!!  Some action in the Burn-out Pit, and the exciting Out-house Races, followed by the Mini-bike races rounded out  the heavy action for the day. Awards were  given out to the arm wrestlers, body painted babes, and chili cookers. Next, the show-girls did their thing up on stage, the bands started up again, people gathered in front of the stage, and the crazy partying commenced in full swing!!! It was good to see Roscoe out and about, and Pogo in his brand new kilt,  complete with all his service decorations…very impressive!!! I made the rounds, seeking out photo-opps, but was rapidly tiring out, which prompted me to curtail my activities for the day. Hey, I’m an old guy…gimme a break!!! As always, Roscoe’s hospitality was second to none. I thank his Son David, the entire crew,  and the GOOD LORD above for the fantastic weather!! We hope to do it all over again next year.

Miserable George…Old School Biker Magazine