Sinclair Law

We have such wonderful people in Brevard County! We are supporting Saints & Sippers Coffee because they are such an awesome company. 

THEN I found out JUST how awesome they are! ~Valgal

Welcome to Mims sign restoration, sponsored by Saints and Sippers Coffee! 

When we moved into town, we noticed an overgrown “Welcome to Mims” sign that we hadn’t noticed before. We wondered why it had not been properly maintained. We contacted the town and learned that it had been erected years back by the Mims Garden Club, which is no longer an active organization. We asked if the town could clean it up, but they declined, as this sign is on a state road, not a town road. We then contacted our congressmen, who put us in touch with the appropriate state department. We learned that the sign was never approved, and was erected without authorization. The state was willing to send out DOT right away to have the sign taken down. We requested to keep the sign, and offered to clean it up ourselves. The state then agreed to ‘look the other way’! – So we took to it, chopping down the overgrown mess, scraping and scrubbing the mold and old paint from the sign, repainting, pulling weeds, turning soil, and with the help of our 4 year old son, replanting new plants and flowers, as well as laying down fresh mulch. 

We are proud to call Mims our home in the beautiful North Brevard County.

 Saints and Sippers Coffee!