We held our collective breaths as Saturday April 10th. arrived, because the weather outlook was not the best, at least for the afternoon hours…BUT…we got lucky, the day turned out to be nearly perfect!! I rolled into H&D Roadhouse about 1PM, and found the place already pretty crowded. There had been breakfast and a poker run , and now, everyone was back…the first of many live bands was wailing away, some folks were dancing, many others were eating and/or checking out the vendors and games that were set up in the back yard area, while others just enjoyed adult beverages inside and out back. Harry’s “Grease Pit” was hopping all day long serving some super delicious food…I had some…it was fabulous!!! All this was for the benefit of Tanner Fallon who had contracted Cystic Fibrosis about 10 years ago, and this was the 10th Tanner Jam for his benefit. There was also an auction for many various items…all for Tanner’s benefit. The poker run winner donated back his entire winnings…not certain how much exactly, but it was a WAD!!! It gives ya a pretty warm feeling when you witness all the kindness and generosity that people exhibit in a case like this. May GOD bless Tanner with good health…your prayers would help as well. Thanks to everyone who helped throughout the day, especially Harry, Deb, and their whole crew.
Love you guys….
Miserable George & ValGal