Sinclair Law

Tanner Jam Rock the Cure (named for our Grandson Tanner Fallon 11 years old) was a huge success this year.  

The contributions from local bands, businesses, friends and family helped us meet and exceed our goals.  Each year the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation does a Charity walk, An estimated 94% of the funds raised for this walk go directly to research, not Administrative expenditures or executive wages.

That is why we choose to put forth our best efforts for Tanner, who is afflicted with this disease, that shortens the lives of kids and young adults.  this year we raised $13,500.00 during Tanner Jam !!!   and over $20,000.00 is what Tanner’s Team (that is you and everyone who was involved the most or in the slightest way) expect to present the Foundation with at the walk.

This money will one day make a breakthrough that will extend children’s lives into their teens and beyond.  We cannot thank our community enough for the love you have shown Tanner from his Mom and Dad, sisters and Brothers we thank each and everyone of you from the bottom of our hearts, God bless you.   

Larry and Maureen Fallon


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