Sinclair Law

Saturday, Dec. 15th., started out rainy and miserable, but, as the day progressed, the weather DID improve somewhat to the point of…”no rain”…!!

ValGal and I met up at the MOB’s clubhouse in Melbourne, where the live band “Cowboyz N Alianz” was already jammin’, and the aroma of fresh food wafted out of the clubhouse, mixed with the giggles of the many pretty babes trotting around the yard…hey, party ingredients , if you ask me!!!!Not to mention the lovely GINA, manning the inside bar. “Animal” had a hand in cooking today…his special brand of potatoes were sensational!!! Lots of sweet goodies too…if…yer into that!!! I’m NOT!!!

This event was staged to acquire toys for the kids of downed Brothers, as well as other local little ones in the area, and by the looks of the pile on the sign-in table, it was a success!!

As always, we wanna thank all the WMC Bros and Sisters who helped to make our day an enjoyable one.

Remember our vets, and, stand up for your country!!!

GOD Bless America!!!!

Miserable & ValGal

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