Sinclair Law

Folks, here’s an event that’s been around for 30 years,

and it just keeps getting better. Yes, there were a few ups and downs…gaining property…losing property…unfavorable weather…heat…cold…you name it…! But  while other events were losing out, Roscoe’s Chili Challenge was gaining!! I’ve made 25 of these parties…(in a row)…and I can honestly say, that I’ve NEVER been disappointed in any one of them!! This year, we checked in on Thursday, Nov. 5, accompanied by daughter ValGal, and friends, Jay, and Donny, and as always, were given the royal treatment. After setting up camp, we checked out the crowd, which was already starting to form. Many vendors were already open for business, so we opted for some food!! It’s amazing how this gathering has grown from a simple backyard chili party to what it is today…an event of national proportions, covered down through the years, by many national publications, several of which I had the pleasure of working with.

Good weather continued on into Friday, when an increase in activity was evident. The neighbors’ parking and camping areas were starting to fill up…live bands made their appearances, ace MC, the one and only…POGO arrived on the scene, doing what he has a special knack for…talking the ladies out of their clothing. Body painters were also operating. The sweet smell of campfires now filled the air…number 30 was off to a pretty good start!! In the evening, a giant American Flag was centered on the front stage, and signed by hundreds of chili partiers. This flag is to be presented to a pre-selected outfit fighting in Afghanistan! There was a huge line of signers for that one…it makes ya pretty proud!!

Saturday rolled around to some more fabulous weather, and was opened by the clinking of the annual horseshoe matches. The custom bike show drew a host of viewers, three body painters were now going non-stop, the unmistakable aroma of CHILI filled the air…the cookers were busy since 7 AM..! Soon, the crowd gathered at the concrete slab area for the annual Outhouse Nationals…thrills and spills during that one…nobody got hurt..!! Now, it was time to sample all that fresh, hot, chili, and wash it down with some ice cold brew! They tell me that every bit of chili was eaten by the hungry bikers!

Next, came the Mini-bike races, always a crowd pleaser…had a few top-less riders in that event(babes, that is)!!  After a kinda “time out” period to catch yer breath, there was arm wrestling, a body paint contest, and some pole dancing…followed by awarding of trophies and cash awards for the various events. Next came the official opening ceremonies, presentation of the colors of all branches of the Armed Services, pledge of allegiance, taps, and the National Anthem…a very moving ceremony, dedicated to all of our Armed Forces.  There was live music all night, and maybe a few other events that I missed, because, I simply HAD to sit down and rest at my campsite.

I wanna thank Roscoe, Steve, all the girls, Pogo, Mike, David, and ALL the gang that always makes this event the success it has been for the past 30 years. Roscoe’s hospitality is unmatched ANYWHERE…he’s a biker, who knows what bikers like, AND…he  sees that they get it at the Chili Challenge. GOD bless you my friend…you are THE MAN…!!! For any additional info on this event…call Roscoe at (863)858-6249, or go to:

Miserable George & ValGal

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