Sinclair Law

As I write this Sharon and I are in Pennsylvania going into the prisons. So far we have been in 4 in the past four days, with one more tomorrow. It has been a whirlwind trip. We didn’t even bring the ‘Doin Time’ bike up.

Tonight we were in the Muncy women’s prison that holds around 1500 inmates.  I have been preaching the message all week. Jesus is the way,the truth, and the life. I’ve been telling the inmates to not live their lives unproductive. Don’t waste your life being wasted. All I do is tell them that I stay productive and in turn I am Blessed.   

This is the ninth year of coming into Pa for prison ministry. Most of the prisons know us and we get right in. Sunday, our first prison was a little setback because Sharon failed a swab test.

They said she tested positive for synthetic marijuana.

If you know Sharon at all,you know that’s further from the truth than anything.  She sat in the parking lot for 3 hours until I got finished.

We could have complained, got mad, pitched a fit, but if we had, all prisons would have banned us. I did what I came here for and all the rest has been smooth.  

Be productive and don’t just hang in there, press on.  

Rev. Al