Well bikers and bands did it AGAIN!!! TMI and Shovelhed and hundreds of family and friends showed up at Sully’s Backstreet in Melbourne to help out one of our own… AGAIN I was amazed at the show of support for Eric and his family… Robin and her crew from Richard Phillips Downed Biker Fund for taking charge of all the raffle baskets always runs smoothly… Skittles a SPECIAL THANKS to you for all you do for these events… We love you and couldn’t do it without you… John the M/C We love you too!
TMI… I can’t even begin to say how FANTASTIC y’all are… You get up there and we get to watch our brothers do what they do BEST!!! MELT FACES! Every show is better than the last… Still have to get some words right but… We ALL love you guys so much for your selflessness… Special thanks to the girls of TMI too. Meesh, Jill, Cindi Y’all are the best!
Shovelhed… You have become part of this awesome family and we love you guys so much… You have stepped up and become an awesome asset to this community… Your music is spectacular and I know most of the words LOL… I look forward to seeing you again…
And Leah from Sully’s Backstreet… Thank you for your continued support of us crazy bikers… We love it at your bar and will Always be there to support events… We Love You !
According to the photos I got and some I have seen of me… WE HAD A BLAST!!! I hope y’all like the pix and Thank you Hillbilly… You were right!
RIDE FREE ~ Valgal