Sinclair Law

     Someone made the statement that this was Willie’s biggest bike week crowd yet, and, I’m inclined to believe it!!

Motorcycles completely engulfed the Tropical Tattoo area, accented this year, by a brand new sign…the former one being taken out by a recent hurricane!!! As always, the fans and the custom bikes out front, became a sea of Bike Week magic, along with vendors, MANY pretty ladies, a few Rat Rods, and…Roadside Marty…doing his best to intimidate the babes, AND, he succeeded !!! All in the spirit of the occasion!!!

Around back…Big Rick and the Troublemakers were rockin, food vendors were busy, keeping the enthusiastic crowd well fed, and the beer girls were…well…BUSY!!!

Many clubs were well represented, as was a large Veteran’s Organization…so nice to see those men enjoying themselves.

Back out front, trophies were presented to all the bike show winners, by the beautiful Trophy Girls…whom, as always, were a sight to behold!!

Thanks to Willie Jones and all his fabulous staff for a job well done…AGAIN!!! Hey…ride safe, and support our Vets and Armed Forces everywhere!!

Miserable George & ValGal

Miserable George’s Pics

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ValGal’s Pics

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