Sinclair Law

There’s really not enough that we can do for our combat veterans, and, the National Veterans Homeless Support…(NVHS) stages this event at Legion Post #1, just north of Titusville, Fl. It’s a run, with sign-up points in several places around the Space Coast. This year, it took place on Nov. 26, 2017, on a picture perfect day. Upwards of 150 riders participated, plus, many supporters, partaking of good food, drink, raffles, 50/50, along with the King of Brevard DJ’S…DOC HOLIDAY, himself, a veteran!! Participating clubs and organizations were: Bunker Riders, Blue Knights, Legion Riders, Nam Knights, Booze Fighters, Wild Dogs, River Rats, Eagle Riders, Combat Vets. Assn., Recon Riders, U.S. Military Vets., Patriot Guard Riders, and, the Old Bastards of Brevard. If I missed anyone, I am truly sorry!! All proceeds go to helping homeless veterans with housing and food, to help minimize that “lost feeling” that so often prevails among combat veterans when they return. Most of the money won by riders and raffle winners, was donated back to the NVHS!! Very heart-warming indeed. Our special THANKS to Legion Post#1, NVHS, and to all who made this event a success!!! God Bless you all…!

Miserable George & ValGal

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