Sinclair Law

     ValGal and myself drifted into Willie’s right on time this year, and because it being Bike Week…the place was MOBBED. We were lucky to get a parking spot in the big Publix lot. As always, the bikes were jammed in tight in the front lot, along with a host of gorgeous babes. We did our best to get decent photos of BOTH!!! In the rear, Big Rick and the Troublemakers were blasting away to a nice large sitting audience…always liked that band…!!! I was getting a bit hungry, but I simply COULD NOT find a taco stand…anywhere!!! I didn’t make my annual trek up the hill this year…gettin’ too old for THAT. Always got a hot dog from the ladies at the Old Folks Home up at the top. I finally sat down under a big shade tree near-by, and almost dozed off….Val woke me up with a phone call…!!! Time for the bike judging. My thanks to Lulu from Thunder Roads Magazine for giving up her seat to me so I could get some decent pics of the bike winners…Lulu…yer a DOLL!!! After the judging, it was off to Pappas restaurant for a fabulous meal (as always), and then…HOME!!!

Hey, thank a VET today, ride safe, and respect your ELDERS!!!!’

Miserable George & ValGal