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After several years of not running...Roscoe's Dirt Drags are back again!! ValGal and I ventured out to the brand new facility, close to where the Chili Challenge is held right now. It's a 300 foot long dirt track, complete with sprinkler system to keep the dust down, plus a regular drag racing starting tree!!

Wrecking Crew at the MOB
June 18th, 2016...held at the Melbourne Mob’s digs on Lincoln Dr. in...(where else) Melbourne, Fl. Nice crowd in attendance

Bubba The Saildog
I've rode across the USA enough times I knew when I needed a gas can to supplement the fat bobs and make the next station in the desserts. I've been strong enough and loved enough to wear that 1% with rocker, been in a coma and lived thru enough left hand cage assholes, only to ride again...