
Celebrating Bob “Ditch” Ross by Sandy Saint

What a great turn-out for Bob Ross’s Memorial run on Saturday…

The photos in this article were taken by a great photographer, Sandy Saint… Please enjoy Sandy’s view of the run from a SIDECAR 😀 Thank You!

I started this run at H&D Roadhouse on Merritt Island, then continued to the end at Slingers to see my friends from Twisted Minds MELT THE HOUSE!

There are big things going on in OSB world… Stay tuned and please SHARE SHARE SHARE!


BIKE DAY at POST 359 on 9-2-23 by Miserable George

     A bunch of mean looking clouds rolled past my place just as I was getting ready to shove off to Post 359 for Bike Day. Those clouds DID dump some rain on my place, however, 359 was spared…WHEW!!! The crowd was a bit sparse when I got there, but grew pretty fast. The band, Roughouse, was wailing away, and cute little barmaid Shelly was busy providing those cold ones…she’s a Sweetheart!!! By now, BOTH bars were busy, and food was being served. Everything was moving at a FULL SWING pace. The weather was perfect, although it was a BIT warm…those big fans on the deck DID help. Despite the heat, I did see people dancing…!!! Bikes were rolling in, and soon the back deck was packed. It turned out to be a FUN DAY…!!!

Folks, thank a vet today, and may GOD BLESS YOU ALL…!!!

Miserable George & ValGal…(Yeah, she was there too)

BIKE DAY at POST 359 by Miserable George

This is the time of year for crazy weather, and man….have we been getting just THAT…!!! BUT, today, 8-5-23 was different…at least, it started out that way!! It was HOT, but the BIG DADDY BAND attracted a nice crowd….if anybody’s gonna do it…THEY will..!!! We ran into some friends whom we hadn’t seen for awhile…THAT’S always nice. The food was very good…as always…and, Shelly, that sweet little bar-maid, was busy keeping the cold ones coming. Judging by what was parked in back…someone even arrived on a beautiful Farmall “H” tractor…!!! The band DID attract a dancer or two…even in the heat…!!! The fans were running, but like one guy said, they were just blowing hot air!!!!

Well, whatever, it was a fun afternoon…I always look forward to it.

Hey, thank a VET today, and GOD BLESS AMERICA…..!!!!

Miserable George

BIKE DAY at POST 359 on 8-5-23 by Miserable George

This is the time of year for crazy weather, and man….have we been getting just THAT…!!! BUT, today, 8-5-23 at American Legion Post 359 was different…at least, it started out that way!! It was HOT, but the BIG DADDY BAND attracted a nice crowd….if anybody’s gonna do it…THEY will..!!! We ran into some friends whom we hadn’t seen for awhile…THAT’S always nice. The food was very good…as always…and, Shelly, that sweet little bar-maid, was busy keeping the cold ones coming. Judging by what was parked in back…someone even arrived on a beautiful Farmall “H” tractor…!!! The band DID attract a dancer or two…even in the heat…!!! The fans were running, but like one guy said, they were just blowing hot air!!!!

Well, whatever, it was a fun afternoon…I always look forward to it. Hey, thank a VET today, and GOD BLESS AMERICA…..!!!!

Miserable George

  A HOT BIKER SATURDAY AT POST 359 by Miserable George

     In spite of a blistering HOT Saturday afternoon, the back deck of Post 359 was literally  PACKED with folks who came out to meet friends, or maybe just to listen to the music and have a few cold ones. Whatever your reason , I’m certain that you had a good time…!!! The band-”ROUGHOUSE” had them dancing in no time. Heck, there was even a wheel chair bound lady out on the floor!!! As usual, the food was good and the beer was cold…!!! That in itself, had a good grip on the attending folks..!!! I met several folks that I hadn’t seen for quite  a while.

I also got asked to be BEST MAN at the wedding of a good friend….I was never a Best Man before…!!! 

Folks…thank a VET today, and may GOD BLESS you all….

Miserable George

Shovelhed at H&D Roadhouse by Valgal

There is nothing I love more than having all our friends together at ONE PLACE!… Sure did keep me busy shooting pictures! 

Shovelhed on stage to ROCK THE HOUSE AS USUAL!


Great success I’d say! People were dancing and singing along with the band! We also got asked to shoot a friend’s wedding in September! That will be a fun one too!

Harry was on point as always with food and cold drinks!
Thank you Harry & Deb for all you do for our community!


BIKE DAY AT POST 359 6-3-23 by Miserable George

The place was surrounded by nasty looking clouds all day long, BUT, no rain…!!!! Nice crowd at Bike Day, and they allowed 4-wheelers in the big parking lot. As always…good food, a live band…Whiskey JuJu…had a lot of folks dancing.  My lady-writer from Ohio was visiting with her friend…nice to see her again. After some food and a lot of photos, this old guy was ready to head home.

Thank a VET today, and may GOD bless you all…

Miserable George

21st. Annual Brevard Law Ride by Miserable George

……I’d say that the weather could not have been any better for the big Brevard Law Ride on Sat. May 13, 2023.

ValGal and I left just ahead of the main group and got a spot on 5A to shoot the column of over 488 bikes. We were able to slip into the column and join them all the way back to the Hall of Fame area where lunch was being served. Sorry, there was no stop at the VAB this year.

Thanks to all the Police Agencies that assisted on the run.

By now, mid-day heat was making itself known, so we hit the road to find some welcome AC. It was a very enjoyable day all around.

Hey, thank a VET today, and GOD bless you all….

Miserable George & ValGal

MOVING  WALL…2023 by Miserable George

     Rain or no rain…?? THAT was the big question for this year’s Moving Wall event at Wickham Park in Brevard County, Melbourne, Fl. ValGal and I got there around 11AM on Sat. May 6,2023. Activity around the Wall itself, was quite brisk, however, the crowd over near the stage seemed a bit smaller than other years . Doc Holiday was on stage doing his thing…the vendors were all set up…there were two helicopters over in the landing field; they attracted quite a few spectators. I believe it was the somewhat threatening weather that cut the crowd down a bit this year. There was dark sky in the area, however, no rain fell in the park area itself. ValGal found me just finishing a good meal, and said “it was time to go”…We watched the choppers depart, then we did too…!

There were  quite a few VietNam Vets in attendance…GOD BLESS ‘em all.

Hey…thank a VET today…OK…?

Miserable George & ValGal

Vietnam Vets Moving Wall 2023 by Valgal

Hello Everyone! What a weekend we had in Brevard County! The bad storms came to an end on Sunday JUST in time for the Vietnam Vets Moving Wall Escort… This day was special to me because I got to drive down to Wickham Park IN THE Escort line for the first time!! Besides the motorcycles there were the Corvette Clubs and the JEEPS! I was honored to ride thru the streets and have people wave… Such a different perspective.

 Thank you to all the Law enforcement officers that worked so hard to keep us safe all the way down! THANK YOU! God Bless!

Met up with friends and chatted about the hail that fell 2 days in a row this weekend… Hope everyone made it thru with minimal damage… 

We will be back to the Wall festivities this week and we hope to see y’all supporting

 the people who made freedom possible… Our Veterans!

Enjoy. Valgal