Bike Day on Sat., Oct. 7, 2023 was a huge success(again) for ME anyway!!!! Plenty of beautiful photo opps…! The live band, RADAR RED was …
Saints&Sippers tidy up Mims
We have such wonderful people in Brevard County! We are supporting Saints & Sippers Coffee because they are such an awesome company. THEN I found …
Celebrating Bob “Ditch” Ross by Sandy Saint
What a great turn-out for Bob Ross’s Memorial run on Saturday… The photos in this article were taken by a great photographer, Sandy Saint… Please …
BIKE DAY at POST 359 on 9-2-23 by Miserable George
A bunch of mean looking clouds rolled past my place just as I was getting ready to shove off to Post 359 for Bike Day. …
BIKE DAY at POST 359 by Miserable George
This is the time of year for crazy weather, and man….have we been getting just THAT…!!! BUT, today, 8-5-23 was different…at least, it started out …
BIKE DAY at POST 359 on 8-5-23 by Miserable George
This is the time of year for crazy weather, and man….have we been getting just THAT…!!! BUT, today, 8-5-23 at American Legion Post 359 was …
A HOT BIKER SATURDAY AT POST 359 by Miserable George
In spite of a blistering HOT Saturday afternoon, the back deck of Post 359 was literally PACKED with folks who came out to meet friends, …
Shovelhed at H&D Roadhouse by Valgal
There is nothing I love more than having all our friends together at ONE PLACE!… Sure did keep me busy shooting pictures! Shovelhed on stage …
BIKE DAY AT POST 359 6-3-23 by Miserable George
The place was surrounded by nasty looking clouds all day long, BUT, no rain…!!!! Nice crowd at Bike Day, and they allowed 4-wheelers in the …
21st. Annual Brevard Law Ride by Miserable George
……I’d say that the weather could not have been any better for the big Brevard Law Ride on Sat. May 13, 2023. ValGal and I …