
Bike Day at the TIKI American Legion Post 359 by Miserable George

This was my first visit to Post 359 since their back deck re-build, and, I tell ya, I was amazed!!! The completed project now features about double the floor space, stage, and, 2 (count ‘em) 2 serving bars, plus a ramp for wheelchair access!! Everything built from weather-proof material, so, it will last. PLUS…in the works…additional parking space!!

Folks, this organization went out of their way to make a fabulous party venue…all for YOU!!! AND YES, there were several large fans to help with cooling during these hot spells we’ve been suffering through!!

As usual, the cooks did a fabulous job, especially with those famous half-pound burgers…they truly are the best!!

The Spanks Band had the ladies hopping around out there, despite the over powering heat, and the Jello-shot girl did her job well!!!

Also present was Mack, the former FOX 35 Weather Baby…8 months old now, and almost ready to walk!!

Folks, if you’re looking for a fantastic party place, American Legion Post 359 on U.S.#1, just north of Port St. John is your spot!!

Bike Day is always the 1st. Saturday of the month…good food, good music, babes, drinks, the works…! We’ll be lookin’ for ya.

Ride safe, and, stand up for your country…

Miserable George & ValGal

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BIKE WEEK BABE at Willie’s by Miserable George

Just my opinion now, but of all the “special events” at Daytona’s Bike Week, I think Willie’s Tropical Tattoo Chopper Show attracts the prettiest of the pretty when it comes to females.

While doing our “thing” there back in 2011, we noticed this lovely lady checking out the custom scoots, and, she agreed to pose with one of the machines. Getting these shots was NOT an easy task, because of how tightly the bikes are parked out front, but, she was game, so, we did it.  I kinda overlooked these shots down through the years, but came across them just today, and figured…hey…why not…?

I never did get her name, nor any data on the motorcycle, but thought our readers might enjoy the pictures.

So, through the process of spontaneous photography…here they are…!!!

Hey, ride safe, and stand up for your country…

Miserable George

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A 1970 “GOAT”… Miserable George

   It took us awhile to actually get this shoot set up, but, as you can see, it was worth it. Greg Stroup and his wife, Vivian, are the proud owners of this primo, carousel red,

1970 Pontiac GTO.

Greg shops at the store where our beautiful model, Tonya, is employed, and it was her who started the ball rolling. They’ve owned the machine for 7 years, and have no plans to part with it. However, if a decent enough offer should pop up, Greg says he MIGHT change his mind.

Shoot location is Lone Cabbage Fish Camp, on a perfect Florida day!!!

Miserable George

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LEESBURG BIKEFEST…#22 by Miserable George

 April 28, 2018, started out a wee bit on the cool side, but, it certainly didn’t take very long to heat up…I’m thinkin’ it was all those bikers streaming into town that did the trick. Standing on Main St, and looking west, it was bikes as far as you could see…Bikefest 2018 had begun!!!

That crowd just kept growing, and I was told, that it was a record!!

Main St. had become a gigantic parking lot for motorcycles only…NO 4-WHEELERS allowed…

the way it should be!! Market St. was packed with shoppers, all agog with what was offered by the myriad of vendors, featuring food, drink, leathers, jewelry, well, you name it…it was there!! Up on Main St., it was elbow to elbow with big, burly, bikers, to sweet little biker chicks, and of course, the proverbial baby buggies…some of them containing dogs!!! At the 6th. St. Town Square area, the crowd was cooling it, sitting down and taking in the near-by band, a few girls were actually cooling it IN the fountain!!

I had my usual lunch at the Porch Cafe, followed by a nice rest period at the Media Center, where I learned that there would be NO trip to the top of the Lightstream Bldg. till 9 that night!!! Well, I missed that…!

I always enjoy a stroll through the Rat’s Hole Chopper display area, where we eye-balled some pretty radical machines. Later, we took in the Miss Rat Mate contest, followed by the awarding of prizes for the Rat’s Hole Custom Bike Show…those trophies were fabulous!! Radical Randy did his usual terrific job as main EMCEE, and it was a pleasure meeting Easyriders’ ace photog again…Don Rogers.

Well, it was getting late by now, and, this old boy was getting pretty tired, so, it was time to hit the road for home. A big THANK YOU goes out to Ken and Amanda for their hospitality and help during my day in Leesburg. Thanks too, to Randy for all the plugs…(Florida’s oldest photographer was one of them)..ya well, I guess it’s true!!

I believe Bikefest #22 will go into the record books as THE big one. If you missed it, make plans to be there in 2019.

Meanwhile, ride safe, and, stand up for your country…!!!

Miserable George

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OSB 3rd Anniversary Party

Well it has been a fun packed 3 years with a magazine…

there is way more involved than I ever thought but we work our asses off to bring you events we think you will enjoy…

We at Old School Biker strive to bring you something different and real and FUN!  Please enjoy our photos and keep sharing our magazine. Something new is added all the time!

ENJOY… Valgal

Val’s Pics

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George’s Pics

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Perewitz Paint Show by Valgal

Windy & Chilly but not raining on Wednesday for Perewitz Paint Show at Riverside Park, Daytona.  Heidi and I had a blast walking around and teasing the boys and snapping pictures of pretty girls and beautiful machines. I LOVE BIKE WEEK!   

ENJOY!… Valgal

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Choppertime at Willie’s Tattoo 2018 by Miserable George

I really don’t quite remember how many of Willie’s Chopper Shows I’ve been to, but, several other veterans and I agreed that this years’ was one of the largest!!! As has been the case lately, March 15 dawned bright and clear, AND…COLD!!!  But, thanks to the Big Weatherman in the Sky, it warmed up quite well…well enough for a few of the little darlings prancing around to shed some un-needed clothing…ah yes, biker babes…ya can’t beat ‘em!!! Out front, were several Rat Rods that the little darlings enjoyed posing with, plus, all the custom built bike entries, and in the back yard, were a host of vendors, and of course, the band stand, featuring a friend of mine…Big Rick and the Troublemakers. Back around front, it was time to award trophies, many of them handmade, along with tossing out of souvenir T’s and the usual “coolies”.

Gotta thank all the ladies who posed for me, and the inimitable “Roadside Marty” as well as Willie himself for their hospitality.

Nice to meet Mike Lichter and son, and famous bike builder Dave Perowitz again. All in all, a fabulous day…looking forward to the next one!! Hey, support our troops, and, stand up for your country…ride safe, (and often)…

Miserable George

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Renea March OSB Babe by Valgal


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Kara And Morgan

Kara And Morgan

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Looking Back… Part I by Valgal

Hi everybody!… By now y’all should know who I am… I haven’t met everyone yet but I am trying… I have taken a HELL OF A LOT of pictures over the years, before and during my magazine career… We wanted everyone to see some of the photos that may not have ever made it to print…

There are a huge amount of memories contained in the following pages so be prepared to laugh… and cry.

I chose NOT to leave out some of the people who have passed away over the last few years, they are ALL important to our lives in some way. If some are missing it is because this is just the first volume of photos from the past… I have soooo many it will take a couple issues of the magazine to show them all… Some of these photos are Mine, some are my Dad’s (Miserable George) , Richard Reimel, Leslie Spencer and Marilyn Elmore… I sure hope y’all have as much fun looking at these as I did going back in time to gather them for you… Ride Safe  <3


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