
SPOOKS ‘N SCOOTS….a look back…by Miserable George

Spooks & Scoots was started back in 1980, as a tribute to Hillsborough Co. ABATE President, Jim Hill, who was lost in a motorcycle accident. Originally known as “a tribute to Brothers lost, the name was changed to “a tribute to Brothers and Sisters lost” after the death of ABATE sister, Elaine Shearin, in 1991. Being held in October, the party always had a Halloween theme.Records being kept…in 2003, an Eternal Flame Memorial Tent was established, containing boards listing all Bros and Sisters lost in motorcycle accidents…sadly the list grew as the years passed.

I attended this event since 1994, missing only one…2001…the year I lost my wife. It grew in many ways: a helicopter came in in 2009 , providing rides over the grounds, and in 2012, a beautiful new pavilion was erected. Coffin beer coolers were the norm, as was the opening ceremony, where a “dead” biker is carried in a coffin inside the ABATE hearse, to lay in state inside the memorial tent…many tears visible during THAT ceremony. This was always followed by a give-away session, a tattoo show, and of course, the Beauty Contest on Saturday evening. Sunday morning, was the Memorial Ride.

Why did this event cease to happen…??? My guess is, too many other near-by events on the same dates…too bad…I’m hoping that this event can be resurrected …somehow…!! Thanks to Patti Nasrallah and crew for holding things together for all those years. No SPOOKS in 2016…very sad…

Miserable George

Harley Rendezvous 2016

We arrived at Indian Lookout about 3 PM on Wed. ( Bikes only allowed in day) , set up camp in the Staff Area, got my Staff credentials taken care of, and decided to take a tour of the camp grounds. Lot’s of Harley’s and people everywhere , set up and waiting for their fellow campers to come in Thursday. Looking at different sites, it is simply amazing how much stuff a determined Harley rider can manage to load on their bikes !!!

Mannie’s Pics

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Thursday morning we awoke to the holding pen PACKED full, and Staff getting everyone in as fast as possible. By nightfall the grounds were really filling up, and there was still a steady stream of people coming in,which lasted into Friday, As always, Friday morning the full blown party started and lasted till late Sat. night !

Haze Rendezvous’ Pics

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With around 50 venders in the vendor area , there was a wide choice of things to purchase and eat. I heard a lot of chatter about how great the Blooming Onion stand and the Chicken BBQ stand were. Didn’t get to try either ,because the Staff meals this year were filling and fabulous.
We had a lot of great music, both on the Day and Main Stages.One of the performers you really need to catch on the Day Stage is Ron Jones, he’s been with us for years and get’s better every year.
Because of our hot beautiful days ( I’ll blame it on that lol ) , there was no lack of female flesh being shown, for everyone’s enjoyment !! Thank you ladies and thank you to the men, for the respect that they showed to the ladies !!

Charlene’s Pics

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Our International Contest was pretty good ( though we could use more contestants next year ), and for a nice reward if you win. This year’s cute young lady walked away with, a LOT of money ( half the 50 -50 sales) , which I believe was around $4,000 this year, Thanks to Lady Amazon for pushing the tickets. And congratulations to the pretty young lady that won !! After the International we had one of the best fireworks displays ever at the “Vous”.

Rick Kline’s Pics

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In closing , I liked to thank the Potter Family for the hard work they do, all year long, to make this event better for us. And to my very close friend, ” Kemp” , your dream is still alive and going strong man !!

Mannie “Lick-um” Liscum