Sinclair Law

After leaving Riders and Back on my Beastie a short ride out of Bridgewater to Taunton MAG, short for Motorcycle Action Group. Run similar to ABATE. Was having their annual Party.

Motorcycle Clubs big and small have their events every weekend across the whole of UK.

With the diehards having a party in the middle of winter called the Dragon Rally, Brrrr in The Welsh Mountains.

Parked close the control as my last experience of a muddy field with the Rocket nearly ended badly.

OSB Press Pass fooled security but I did give a donation to MAG as they looked after my stuff. Not planning on staying I didn’t bring my tent or sleeping bag.

But as we know plans can change. who was I Kidding, Now I am at a real Fun Biker Party. Though the weatherman did predict doom and gloom. The sun was still shining. Life was good

One of the first Bikes I see was a beautiful Original Rocket 3. Made by BSA in 1971. For those in the know, Triumphs Triple was the Trident. But the new Triumph company stole the Rocket 3 name. Even BSA bought Triumph in the early 70’s that turned into NVT and finally went Tits up after the Meriden Strike. Causing the Closure of the old BSA Factory at Small Heath With our best Bikes going with it. The Norton Commando and the Latest T160 Trident.

But more on that sweet Rocket 3 later when I track down the owner

A walk around the campsite enjoying the view with around 200 bikes, Tents & riders from all over England with some Riding all the way from Germany and not a Trailer in sight (we don’t do that here) except for vendors of course.

Somerset is renown for its cider as is most of the west country down south. Very Alcoholic still and as smooth as apple Juice. Except it will hurt you!!!

This gives me a dilemma lol. I do likes me Cider, A nice young member of the Band then told me, No worries you can crash at my place ( not literally I hope). Dilemma solved.

This plan was working good till the good band was ready to kick in on stage. When young fellow confesses his sins that his ol lady was bent outa shape. Of not letting her in on the secret of having me as a House guest. Really and I wasn’t even starting to misbehave yet Honest.

Then before I could I put Plan B into action MAG had a nice leather couch in there spot, Hay I have slept in a lot worse, Think Miserable George might even have evidence of that stashed… grin grin.

The very kinda embarrassed lad offer to get me a Hotel B&B, how cool is that.

After a great party and very good Band. Video Editing to do, at drunk 30 had to mount the Beastie ride out of a Muddy field. Oh yea we had a good couple of Storms role in. Ride Back into Bridgewater hoping this place was still open if I could find it.

With my cell phone battery in the red a local drunk couple staggering back home helped me find the place.

Thanks to Taunton MAG for a Great time and taking care of this world traveling lunatic

English Jim

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